Special City CouncilRevised Meeting AgendaMonday, July 11, 2022 at 1:00 P.m. - 4:00 P.m.Council ChambersGuelph City Hall, 1 Carden StreetChanges to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". Special Council Meetings are live streamed at guelph.ca/live. Members of the public may delegate in person or by electronic participation. To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2334 163 3319.1.Call to Order 1.1O Canada 1.2Silent Reflection 1.3First Nations Acknowledgement 1.4Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 2.Items For Discussion The following items have been extracted from the Council Consent Report and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations2.1Decision Report: Shaping Guelph Official Plan Amendment 80 - 2022-225 1.Decision Report Shaping Guelph Official Plan Amendment 80 - 2022-225.pdf2.Attachment-1 Recommended Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf3.Attachment-2 Track change version of Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf4.Attachment-3 Staff Presentation for Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf5.Attachment-4 OPA 80 Comment Summary and Response.pdf6.Attachment-5 Comment letters received following the Public Meeting for OPA 80.pdf7.Attachment-6 Official Plan Review Engagement Summary.pdf8.Attachment-7 Memo on Rolling Hills Area Natural Heritage System Refinements.pdf9.Correspondence - S. and A. Nagy (OPA).pdf10.Correspondence - Janet Chevalier.pdf11.Correspondence - B. Finnis.pdf12.Correspondence - S. Mossaed.pdf13.Correspondence - H. Handy, GSP Group.pdf14.Correspondence - L. Chidwick and T. Petrie.pdf15.Correspondence - P. Kraehling.pdf16.Correspondence - B. Perry.pdf17.Correspondence - T. Steele.pdf18.Correspondence - D. Currie, GSP Group.pdf19.Correspondence - M. Dorfman, Families for Rolling Hills Group.pdf20.Correspondence - R. Jackiw.pdf21.Correspondence - M. Collier.pdf22.Correspondence - E. Ross - Petition.pdfPresentation:Krista Walkey, General Manager, Planning and Building ServicesMelissa Aldunate, Manager, Policy Planning and Urban DesignDelegations:*Kelly Hodgson*Jaclyn McAllister*Sam Lamont*Ed Ross*Ben Perry *Shakiba Shayani*Hugh Handy*Hugh Whitely *Dan Currie*Steven Petric*Mark Dorfman*Bonnie Swantek*Stan Kozak *Laura MurrCorrespondence:*Shane and Bonnie Swantek*Janet Chevalier*Beth Finnis*Sam Mossaed*Hugh Handy, GSP Group*Lynn Chidwick and Terry Petrie*Paul Kraehling*Benjamin Perry*Thea Steele*Dan Currie, GSP Group*Mark Dorfman, Families for Rolling Hills Group*Randy Jackiw*Martin Collier*Elizabeth Ross - PetitionRecommendation: That Official Plan Amendment 80, initiated by the City of Guelph, including schedules and associated definitions be adopted in accordance with Attachment 1 to Report 2022-225 Decision Report: Shaping Guelph Official Plan Amendment 80; That Council declare to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that Official Plan Amendment 80 meets the requirements of Section 26 of the Planning Act in that it conforms with A Place to Grow for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, has regard to matters of Provincial interest and is consistent with the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement; and That the Shaping Guelph Growth Management Strategy and Land Needs Assessment Report 2022-04 as presented to Council on January 17, 2022 be approved. 3.By-Laws Resolution to adopt the By-lawsRecommendation:That By-law numbered (2022) - 20731 is hereby passed.3.1By-law Number (2022)-20731 1.By-law Number (2022)-20731 - 2022-261.pdf2.Schedule 1 Official Plan Amendment 80.pdfA by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment 80 to update the City of Guelph Official Plan in accordance with the municipal comprehensive review for conformity with A Place to Grow and for consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement 2020 and the Planning Act.4.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Decision Report Shaping Guelph Official Plan Amendment 80 - 2022-225.pdf2.Attachment-1 Recommended Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf3.Attachment-2 Track change version of Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf4.Attachment-3 Staff Presentation for Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf5.Attachment-4 OPA 80 Comment Summary and Response.pdf6.Attachment-5 Comment letters received following the Public Meeting for OPA 80.pdf7.Attachment-6 Official Plan Review Engagement Summary.pdf8.Attachment-7 Memo on Rolling Hills Area Natural Heritage System Refinements.pdf9.Correspondence - S. and A. Nagy (OPA).pdf10.Correspondence - Janet Chevalier.pdf11.Correspondence - B. Finnis.pdf12.Correspondence - S. Mossaed.pdf13.Correspondence - H. Handy, GSP Group.pdf14.Correspondence - L. Chidwick and T. Petrie.pdf15.Correspondence - P. Kraehling.pdf16.Correspondence - B. Perry.pdf17.Correspondence - T. Steele.pdf18.Correspondence - D. Currie, GSP Group.pdf19.Correspondence - M. Dorfman, Families for Rolling Hills Group.pdf20.Correspondence - R. Jackiw.pdf21.Correspondence - M. Collier.pdf22.Correspondence - E. Ross - Petition.pdf1.By-law Number (2022)-20731 - 2022-261.pdf2.Schedule 1 Official Plan Amendment 80.pdf