Minutes Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC)

Hybrid in-person and virtual meeting
  • L. Root, Chair
  • M. Ashkewe
  • K. Beitz
  • A. Cameron, Vice-Chair
  • E. Lowenger
  • D. McMurdo
  • J. Popkey
  • T. Stevens
  • D. Stienstra
  • J. Svehla
Members Absent
  • S. Cooper-Webb
  • S. Ferguson Prior
  • Z. Jacobs
  • C. Lytle
  • B. McPherson
  • L. Warren, Project Specialist, Accessibility
  • E. Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator
  • S. Boghossian, Accessibility Services Coordinator
  • J. Tang, Legislative Coordinator
  • D. McMahon, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk
  • M. Lemon, Manager Park and Trail Development
  • J. Gaboury, Project Manager, Park and Trail Development
  • T. Hanna, Park Planner
  • J. Slater, Manager, Information, Privacy and Elections/Deputy City Clerk
  • C. Murray-Sprague, Council and Committee Coordinator

The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

The Chair provided the Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgement. 

There were no disclosures or conflicts declared. 

  • Moved by: Member Ashkewe
    Seconded by: Member McMurdo

    That the December 19, 2023 Meeting minutes be approved.


Dylan McMahon - Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk spoke to this item. 

  • Moved by: Member Cameron
    Seconded by: Member Svehla

    1. The AAC does not support the implementation of a bylaw or process that limits the use of public spaces by individuals experiencing lack of shelter. Instead, we urge the city to focus on supportive solutions that will create permanent shelter and are not reliant on punitive measures, evictions, or the city determining which areas are permissible to create encampments. There are already laws in place guiding behaviour in public spaces, and any further limitations imposed on under housed people will create unnecessary and insurmountable barriers to accessibility in a community that experiences disability at a disproportionately high rate compared to other communities.
    2. The AAC respectfully requests to be involved in engagement moving forward regarding any processes or bylaws that impact residents who are unhoused or living in poverty.

  • Elizabeth Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator conducted the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 

    Member Stienstra and Member Ashkewe nominated Member Root as the Accessibility Advisory Committee Chair. 

    Member Root accepted the nomination. 

    Elizabeth Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator requested a motion from the committee. 

    Moved by: Member Lowenger
    Seconded by: Member Stevens

    That Member Root be appointed Chair for the AAC for 2024. 

  • Member Ashkewe put forward their name for the nomination as the Accessibility Advisory Committee Vice-Chair.

    Member Root nominated Member Cameron as the Accessibility Advisory Committee Vice-Chair. 

    Member Cameron accepted the nomination. 

    Elizabeth Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator requested members vote on the nomination of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Vice-Chair. 

    As a result of majority vote, Elizabeth Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator requested a motion from the committee. 

    Moved by: Member Stevens
    Seconded by: Member Lowenger

    That Member Cameron be appointed Vice-Chair for the AAC for 2024. 


Dylan McMahon - Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk presented and received the committee's feedback on the ACOC Governance Framework Phase 2. 

Mallory Lemon - Manager, Park and Trail Development spoke to this item.

  • Moved by: Member Popkey
    Seconded by: Member Svehla

    1. That the AAC recommends a special meeting with Parks staff to discuss the items as directed by Council:
    2. That the AAC recommends that this special meeting take place on May 21, 2024 from 3-5 PM.

Jude Gaboury - Project Manager, Park and Trail Development, presented the 2024-25 Play Equipment Lifecycle Project: Colonial Drive, Holland Crescent and Highview Parks. 

  • Moved by: Member Svehla
    Seconded by: Member Lowenger

    1. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee receive the information provided regarding the 2024-25 Play Equipment Lifecycle Project.
    2. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee share their recommendations regarding the proposed scope outlined within the report.
    3. That the Accessibility Advisory Committee participate in the Have Your Say public engagement that is currently available until March 3, 2024.
    4. And that the City report back to the AAC to demonstrate how their recommendations were utilized or not utilized and the rationale therein in writing.

Tiffany Hanna, Park Planner, Open Space Planning presented the Sport Field and Court Strategy. 

  • Moved by: Member Cameron
    Seconded by: Member Stevens

    That staff continue to engage the AAC as well as additional targeted engagement with stakeholders/clubs/groups that have specific experience with wheelchair sports, throughout the Outdoor Sport Field and Surface Strategy at key milestones.

  • Moved by: Member Stevens
    Seconded by: Member Cameron

    That the Municipal Election Follow-Up report be deferred to the April 16, 2024 Accessibility Advisory Committee and that 35 minutes be allocated to this item, inclusive of a 10 minute presentation from staff. 


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00PM.