City CouncilInformation ItemsFriday, February 18, 2022 at 4:00 P.m. - 5:00 P.m.The Information Items are distributedelectronically Friday afternoons.Items for information is a weekly publication for the public and members of City Council. Members of City Council may request that any item appearing on this publication be placed onto the next available Committee of the Whole meeting for discussion.1.Information Reports 1.1Community Plan Update - We are Community - 2022-75 1.Community Plan Update - We are Community - 2022-75.pdf2.Attachment-1 We are Community.pdf3.Attachment-2 Glossary of Terms.pdf2.Intergovernmental Information 2.1City of Guelph Response: Federal Offset Protocol Proposal - Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction 1.Guelph Response - Federal Offset Protocol Proposal - Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction - 2022-82.pdf2.2City of Guelph Response: Provincial Pre-Budget Consultation Process 1.CoG Response RE Provincial Pre-Budget Consultation Process.pdf2.2022 City of Guelph Submission to the Ontario Pre-Budget Consultation.pdf2.3Provincial Consultation: Conservation Authority Reform Funding Framework 1.Conservation Authority Reform Funding Framework - 2022-53.pdf2.4Provincial Consultation: Proposed Environmental Assessment Requirements for Advanced Recycling Facilities 1.PC RE Proposed Environmental Assessment Requirements for Advanced Recycling Facilities.pdf2.5Provincial Consultation: Expanding Administrative Penalties for Environmental Contraventions 1.Expanding administrative penalties for environmental contraventions - 2022-54.pdf2.6Provincial Consultation: Proposed Changes to the Building Code 1.Proposed Changes to the Building Code - 2022-52.pdf2.7Provincial Consultation: Subwatershed Planning Guide 1.Subwatershed Planning Guide - 2022-56.pdf2.8Provincial Consultation: Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual 1.Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual - 2022-57.pdf2.9Provincial Consultation: Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Management in Ontario Discussion Paper 1.Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Management in Ontario Discussion Paper - 2022-61.pdf2.10Federal Consultation: Draft GHG Offset Protocols (Landfill Methane and Refrigeration Systems) 1.FC RE Draft GHG Offset Protocols.pdf2.11Federal Consultation: Federal 2022 Pre-Budget Consultation 1.Federal 2022 Pre-Budget Consultation - 2022-47.pdf2.12Federal Consultation: Proposed Federal Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulation 1.FC RE Proposed Federal Single Use Plastics Prohibition Regulation.pdf3.Correspondence 3.1Various Municipalities Resolution: Dissolution of the Ontario Land Tribunal 1.CS Resolution RE Dissolution of the OLT.pdf2.CT Resolution RE Dissolution of OLT.pdf3.TFY Resolution RE Dissolution of the OLT.pdf City of Sarnia City of Thorold Township of Front of Yonge 3.2Municipality of Shuniah Resolution: Support for the Northern Ontario School of Medicine 1.MS Resolution RE Support for the Northern Ontario School of Medicin.pdf3.3Township of Limerick Resolution: Gypsy Moth Spraying 1.TL Resolution RE Gypsy Moth Spraying.pdf4.Boards and Committees No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Community Plan Update - We are Community - 2022-75.pdf2.Attachment-1 We are Community.pdf3.Attachment-2 Glossary of Terms.pdf1.Guelph Response - Federal Offset Protocol Proposal - Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction - 2022-82.pdf1.CoG Response RE Provincial Pre-Budget Consultation Process.pdf2.2022 City of Guelph Submission to the Ontario Pre-Budget Consultation.pdf1.PC RE Proposed Environmental Assessment Requirements for Advanced Recycling Facilities.pdf1.Conservation Authority Reform Funding Framework - 2022-53.pdf1.Expanding administrative penalties for environmental contraventions - 2022-54.pdf1.Proposed Changes to the Building Code - 2022-52.pdf1.Subwatershed Planning Guide - 2022-56.pdf1.Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual - 2022-57.pdf1.Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Management in Ontario Discussion Paper - 2022-61.pdf1.FC RE Draft GHG Offset Protocols.pdf1.Federal 2022 Pre-Budget Consultation - 2022-47.pdf1.FC RE Proposed Federal Single Use Plastics Prohibition Regulation.pdf1.MS Resolution RE Support for the Northern Ontario School of Medicin.pdf1.TL Resolution RE Gypsy Moth Spraying.pdf1.CS Resolution RE Dissolution of the OLT.pdf2.CT Resolution RE Dissolution of OLT.pdf3.TFY Resolution RE Dissolution of the OLT.pdf