Minutes of Committee of the Whole Meeting

Remote meeting live streamed on guelph.ca/live
  • Mayor C. Guthrie
  • Councillor P. Allt
  • Councillor B. Bell
  • Councillor C. Billings
  • Councillor L. Caron
  • Councillor C. Downer
  • Councillor D. Gibson
  • Councillor R. Goller
  • Councillor J. Gordon
  • Councillor J. Hofland
  • Councillor M. MacKinnon
  • Councillor D. O'Rourke
  • Councillor M. Salisbury
  • C. Clack-Bush, Acting Chief Administrative Officer
  • J. Holmes, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services
  • T. Lee, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services
  • T. Baker, General Manager, Finance/City Treasurer
  • C. Cooper, General Manager, Legal Realty and Court Services/City Solicitor
  • D. Evans, General Manager, Culture, Tourism and Community Investment
  • D. Godfrey, General Manager, Operations
  • G. Matthews, General Manager, Parks
  • A. Vilkko, General Manager, Facilities and Energy Management
  • S. Green, Manager, Corporate and Community Safety
  • B. Ho-Yan, Manager, Corporate Energy and Climate Change
  • L. Jefferson, Manager, Park and Trail Development
  • J. Krauter, Manager, Taxation and Revenue/Deputy Treasurer
  • S. O'Dwyer, Manager, Financial Reporting and Accounting
  • A. Harvie, Service Performance and Development Analyst
  • S. O'Brien, General Manager, City Clerk's Office/City Clerk
  • L. Cline, Council and Committee Coordinator
  • G. Meades, Council and Committee Coordinator
Also Present:
  • Dr. Nicola Mercer, Chief Medical Officer of Health, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
    Dr. Matthew Tenenbaum, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
    Christopher Beveridge, Director, Health Protection, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
    Stacey Stahlmann, Senior Manager, Audit Services, KPMG LLP
    Alex Chapman, Executive Director, Our Energy Guelph
    Alex Ciccone, Chair, Our Energy Guelph Board of Directors

Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order (1:00 p.m.). 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gibson

    That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 239 (2)(a), (b), (f) and (i) of the Municipal Act relating to the security of the municipality or local board; personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (13 to 0)

    The following items were discussed:

Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order (2:04 p.m.).

Mayor Guthrie spoke regarding matters discussed in closed session and identified the following:

Information Technology Security Assessment Results and Actions, 2021-259

Staff were given direction regarding this matter.

Community Energy Initiative Update, 2021-274

Information was received and Committee of the Whole will move back into a closed meeting to further consider this matter following the completion of the open meeting. 

Mayor Guthrie presented the following staff recognitions:

James Krauter, Greg Bedard, Rita Pezzano, Mathew Thomas, Mike DeManche, Claire Lin, Mike Bartholomew, David Boyle, Jeremy Smith and Helen Chen were recognized for receiving the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) 2021 E. A. Danby Award for outstanding achievement in improving performance in the category of municipal finance.

Tara Baker, Karen Newland, Greg Clark, Ron Maeresera, Patricia Zukowski, Wendy McQuade, Mary Jo Milhomens, Alex Brossault and Greg Hahn were recognized for receiving the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 2021 budget.

Dr. Nicola Mercer, Medical Officer of Health, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, provided an update on the vaccination progress in Guelph. Dr. Mercer also provided information regarding third doses of the vaccine and the future outlook of the fourth wave of the pandemic. 

Colleen Clack-Bush, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, presented the ninth COVID-19 update. She outlined how the City continues to support the community, local businesses and the organization, and how financial implications are being managed as a result of the pandemic. 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Allt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Billings

    That the report “Managing the Impacts of COVID-19: Update 9” dated September 7, 2021 be forwarded to the local Member of Parliament and Member of Provincial Parliament, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Association of Municipalities Ontario, Ontario Big City Mayors and the Federal Minister of Finance and the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister of Finance for the Province of Ontario.

    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (12 to 0)

Councillor MacKinnon assumed the chair.

Gene Matthews, General Manager, Parks, provided opening remarks regarding Third Party Trail Agreements. 

The following delegates spoke regarding this item:
John Fisher, President, Guelph Hiking Trail Club
Susan Watson

Chair MacKinnon ruled that Susan Watson's delegation is out of order as it is not relevant to the discussion surrounding Third Party Trail Agreements. 

Point of Order

Councillor Caron raised a point of order to request that a vote be called on the Chair's ruling that the delegation is out of order. 

  • Vote on Chair's Ruling

    Moved ByCouncillor Caron
    Seconded ByMayor Guthrie

    That the Chair's ruling on the delegation being out of order is out of order.

    Voting in Favour: (7)Councillor Allt, Councillor Downer, Councillor Caron, Councillor Bell, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, and Councillor Gordon
    Voting Against: (5)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Billings, Councillor Goller, Councillor MacKinnon, and Councillor O'Rourke
    Carried (7 to 5)

    Chair MacKinnon's ruling was not upheld and Susan Watson was permitted to finish her delegation.

  • Moved ByMayor Guthrie
    Seconded ByCouncillor Billings
    1. That staff be authorized to enter into a three-party license agreement between the City of Guelph, Guelph Hiking Trail Club and Grand River Conservation Authority as outlined in the Public Services Report 2021-249 dated September 7, 2021, subject to the form and content being satisfactory to the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer of Public Services and the City Solicitor.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Councillor Goller, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Gordon, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor Caron, Councillor Billings, Councillor Bell, Councillor Allt, and Mayor Guthrie
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • New Motion

    Moved ByMayor Guthrie
    Seconded ByCouncillor O'Rourke
    1. That staff be authorized to enter into future three-party license agreements between the City of Guelph, Guelph Hiking Trail Club, and parties yet to be determined, for continuous implementation of the Council approved Guelph Trail Master Plan, subject to the form and content being satisfactory to the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer of Public Services and the City Solicitor.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (12 to 0)

The following registered delegate withdrew their delegation request:
Ryan Donahue

  • Moved ByCouncillor Billings
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hofland
    1. That By-law Number (2009)-18855 be amended to include licensing of Payday Loan Establishments.
    2. That By-law Number (2020)-20550 be amended to include licensing fees for Payday Loan Establishments.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (12 to 0)

Councillor Allt assumed the chair.

Council recessed at 3:45 p.m. and reconvened at 3:53 p.m.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor O'Rourke

    That the September 7, 2021 Consent Agenda - Audit, as identified below, be adopted:

    1. That staff be directed to initiate an update to the 2015 Long-Term Care Services Agreement, in accordance with report 2021-250, with The Elliott Community including a review of the Indirect Cost Allocation Schedule.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (12 to 0)

Alex Chapman, Executive Director, Our Energy Guelph, provided an overview of the organization and summarized completed activities over the previous two years. He outlined planned work activities for the next three years as well as the request for renewed funding. 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Allt
    Seconded ByMayor Guthrie
    1. That Council receive the Our Energy Guelph Annual Report for Year Ending August 31, 2021.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Councillor Downer, Councillor Caron, Councillor Billings, Councillor Bell, Councillor Allt, Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (12 to 0)

    Council recessed at 5:10 p.m. and reconvened at 5:32 p.m.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Salisbury
    Seconded ByCouncillor Downer

    That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to Section 239(2)(b), (f) and (i) of the Municipal Act relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization. 

    Voting in Favour: (11)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (11 to 0)

Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order (7:38 p.m.).

Mayor Guthrie spoke regarding matters discussed in closed session and identified the following:

Community Energy Initiative Update, 2021-274

Staff and Mayor Guthrie were given direction on this matter. 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Billings
    Seconded ByCouncillor O'Rourke

    That the meeting be adjourned (7:39 p.m.). 

    Voting in Favour: (12)Councillor Salisbury, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Downer, Councillor Caron, Councillor Billings, Councillor Bell, Councillor Allt, and Mayor Guthrie
    Carried (12 to 0)