Special City Council
Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". 

Special City Council Meetings are live streamed at guelph.ca/live. Members of the public may delegate in person or by electronic participation.

To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2333 087 0902

Greg Clark, Manager, Financial Strategy and Long-Term Planning
Gary Scandlan, Managing Partner and Director, Watson and Associates Economists Ltd.

  • Recommendation:

    That the following recommendations be referred to the July 18, 2022 City Council meeting:

    1. That the City of Guelph adopt the Community Benefit Charge approach to calculate the charges on a uniform City-wide basis.
    2. That the capital project listing set out in Chapter 4 of the Community Benefit Charge Strategy dated March 31, 2022, be subject to further annual review and amendment during the capital budget process.
    3. That Appendix A of the General Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy be amended to reflect the creation of a special reserve fund account, Community Benefit Charge Reserve Fund (302) subject to the terms and authority as identified in report 2022-125 Community Benefit Charge and Parkland Dedication By-laws.
    4. That the Community Benefit Charge Strategy dated March 31, 2022, be approved (as amended if applicable).
    5. That the Community Benefit Charge By-law as set out in Appendix C of Attachment-1 be approved effective September 18, 2022.
    6. That the Parkland Dedication By-law as attached in Attachment-2 be approved effective September 18, 2022.