City Council - Planning
Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".

City Council Meetings are live streamed at Members of the public may delegate in person or by electronic participation. 

To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2340 451 3071.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Report 2023-471 regarding the Housing Affordability Strategy: State of Housing in Guelph Report (Attachment-1), dated December 12, 2023, be received.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the application from MHBC Planning on behalf of the owner, 2488995 Ontario Ltd. (Reid’s Heritage Homes partnership) for a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the current “Agricultural” (A-2) zone under the Township of Puslinch Zoning By-law 19/85, to a “Specialized Residential Townhouse” (R.3A-72 (H)) zone in the City of Guelph 1995 Comprehensive Zoning By-law (1995)-14864, as amended; and to change the current “Urban Reserve” (UR.1) zone, to a “Specialized Medium Density Residential 6” (RM.6-25 (H)) zone, in the City of Guelph 2023 Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, as amended, to permit the development of 8 stacked townhouse blocks comprising of 136 units on the lands municipally known as 331 Clair Road East and legally described as Concession 8 Rear Part Lot 11, formerly Township of Puslinch, City of Guelph, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services Report 2023-430, dated December 12, 2023.
    2. That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 331 Clair Road East.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the application from GSP Group Inc. on behalf of Windmill Development Group Ltd., for a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the current “Specialized Downtown 1” (D.1-29) Zone to a new “Specialized Downtown 1 (D.1-xx)” Zone in the City of Guelph 1995 Comprehensive Zoning By-law (1995)-14864, as amended, and to change the current “Site-specific Downtown 1” (D.1-22) Zone, to a new “Site-specific Downtown 1” (D.1-xx) Zone, in the 2023 Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, as amended to permit the development of two 15-storey mixed-use towers containing 353 residential dwelling units with ground floor commercial, underground parking and a future stacked townhouse block on the lands municipally known as 55 Baker Street, 152 and 160 Wyndham Street North and legally described as Part of Burying Ground, and Part of Lane Through Burying Ground, Registered Plan 8, Closed by MS80255, Designated as Parts 5, 6 and 7 on Plan 61R-21815, Part of Burying Ground, Part of Lots 73 and 74, and Part of Lane at the Rear of Lots 73 and 74 (Known as Park Lane), Closed by CS31228; Registered Plan 8, Designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4, Reference Plan 61R-21815; Subject to Easement over Part 2, 61R-21815 as in Instrument ROS557919 and Subject to Easement over Part 3, 61R-21815 as in Instrument ROS573090, City of Guelph, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2023-456, dated December 12, 2023.
    2. That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 55 Baker Street, 152 and 160 Wyndham Street North.
    3. That Council provide authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Agreement with the Owner of 55 Baker Street, 152 and 160 Wyndham Street North regarding payment-in-lieu of parking and addressing transportation demand management measures.

Eric Rempel, Planner

Chris Mitchell
Miranda Cove-Shannon
Mark Mitchell

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the application from Van Harten Surveying Inc. on behalf of 27 Janefield Inc. for a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from the current “Residential Single Detached” (R.1B) Zone (1995 - 14864) to a “Specialized Residential Single Detached” (R.1B-XX) Zone and the “Specialized Residential Semi-Detached/Duplex” (R.2-XX) Zone and to change the zoning from the current “Low Density Residential” (RL.1) Zone (2023 - 20790) to a “Specialized Low Density Residential” (RL.1-XX) Zone to permit the proposed semi-detached dwellings with site-specific provisions at 27-35 Janefield Avenue be received.
    2. That the application from Van Harten Surveying Inc. on behalf of 27 Janefield Inc. for a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from the current “Residential Single Detached” (R.1B) Zone (1995 - 14864) to a “Specialized Residential Single Detached” (R.1B-XX(H)) Zone and the “Specialized Residential Semi-Detached/Duplex” (R.2-XX(H)) Zone and to change the zoning from the current “Low Density Residential” (RL.1) Zone (2023 - 20790) to a “Specialized Low Density Residential” (RL.1-XX(H)) Zone to permit the proposed semi-detached dwellings with site-specific provisions at 27-35 Janefield Avenue be approved in accordance with Attachments 4 and 5 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services Report 2023-429, dated December 12, 2023.

Resolution to adopt the By-laws. 

Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.

No Item Selected