Committee of the WholeMeeting AgendaWednesday, September 04, 2024 at 1:30 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council ChambersGuelph City Hall, 1 Carden StreetChanges to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".Committee of the Whole meetings are live streamed at Visit to submit correspondence or register to speak before the Committee regarding an item on this agenda. To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code2347 228 4833.1.Call to Order - Mayor 2.Authority to move into closed meeting Recommendation:That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider:2.1 Call to Order (closed meeting) Public Comments: 2.2Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (closed items) Public Comments: 2.3Federal Grant Agreement, 2024-364 Public Comments: Section 239(2)(f) and (h) of the Municipal Act, regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them;3.Closed Meeting Summary 4.Open Meeting - 2:00 p.m. 4.1O Canada 4.2Silent Reflection 4.3Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgement 4.4Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 5.Staff Recognitions 5.1Ontario Water Works Association/Water Environment Association of Ontario (OWWA/WEAO) Climate Action Award in the adaptation stream Nectar Tampacopoulos, General Manager, Environmental ServicesKevin Nelson, Corporate Asset Management AdvisorHeather Yates, Manager, Compliance, Programs and PerformanceTerry Gayman, General Manager, Engineering and Transportation ServicesMonica Silva, Manager, Corporate Asset ManagementDavid Van Viliet, Matrix Solutions Inc.Quentin Chiotti, Matrix Solutions Inc. Tara Roumeliotis, Matrix Solutions Inc.5.22024 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC Ontario), Grand River Chapter Gold Award of Merit for the Paisley Pumping Station Upgrades projecter Gold Award of Merit for the Paisley Pumping Station Upgrades project Dave Morrison, Lead Hand, Water TreatmentNathan Siniowski, Supervisor, Water Treatment OperationsMatt Bender, Manager, Water OperationsEmily Stahl, Manager, Technical Services, WaterWayne Galliher, Division Manager, Water ServicesRyan Costello, SCADA Supervisor5.3Municipal Waste Association - 2024 Bronze Promotion & Education Award in recognition of its Behavioral Insights Gold Star Pilot Program Madeleine Myhill, Waste Resources Policy AnalystLiana D'Andrea, Supervisor, Environmental ProgramsHeather Yates, Manager, Compliance, Programs and Performance5.4Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT): Municipal Infrastructure Inspector (MII) and Municipal Infrastructure Contract Administrator (MICA) Awards Kyle Gibson, Manager, Technical ServicesBob Richardson, Construction InspectorSteven Shingler, Construction InspectorMarko Deric, Construction Contract AdministratorSamy Mohamend, Construction Contract AdministratorAdam Wiltschek, Manager, Technical Services, WastewaterPalek Patel, Project Manager, WastewaterSumant Patel, Manager, Operations, Wastewater Services6.Service Area - Governance and Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Chair - Mayor Guthrie7.Items for Discussion - Governance and Office of the Chief Administrative Officer The following items have been extracted from Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.7.1Indigenous Relations Framework - 2024-360 1.Indigenous Relations Framework - 2024-360.pdf2.Attachment-1 Indigenous Relations Framework.pdfPresentation:Kimberley Krawczyk, Manager, Policy and Intergovernmental RelationsRecommendation:That the Indigenous Relations Framework for the City of Guelph, as attached to the report titled Indigenous Relations Framework, dated September 4 2024, be approved.8.Service Area Chair and Staff Announcements 9.Service Area - Infrastructure, Development and Environment Chair - Councillor O'Rourke 10.Items for Discussion - Infrastructure, Development and Environment The following items have been extracted from Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.10.1Downtown Renewal Update 1.Downtown Renewal Update Presentation.pdfPresentation:Robert Jelacic, General Manager, Internal AuditNectar Tampacopoulos, General Manager, Environmental ServicesReg Russwurm, Manager, Design and ConstructionStacy Laughlin, Downtown Revitalization AdvisorJack Mallon, Heritage Planner10.1.1Solid Waste Resources Recycling Program Transition Audit, 2024-349 1.Solid Waste Resources Recycling Program Transition Audit - 2024-349.pdfRecommendation:That the report titled Solid Waste Resources Recycling Program Transition Audit dated September 4, 2024, be received.10.1.2Downtown Collection Area Update - 2024-350 1.Downtown Collection Area Update - 2024-350.pdf2.Attachment-1 Supplemental Information.pdfRecommendation: That an enhanced level of service for waste collection in the Downtown Collection Area be approved, inclusive of enhanced public space containers and communal underground waste containers subject to the project budget, estimated at $1.0 million, and associated operating budget increase of $410,000, being adopted through the 2025 budget confirmation as outlined in report IDE 2024-350, dated September 4, 2024. 10.1.3Downtown Streetscape Level of Service and Construction Mitigation, 2024-353 1.Downtown Streetscape Level of Service and Construction Mitigation - 2024-353.pdf2.Attachment-1 Engagement Summary.pdf3.Attachment-2 Potential Streetscape Investment by Project.pdfRecommendation: That an enhanced level of streetscaping be approved for the Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program giving priority to improved tree canopy, flexible streets, public seating, paving stones in highlighted areas, and a design that optimizes public space for the most efficient operating budget, subject to the project budget increase (estimated at $17.1 million) being adopted through the 2025 budget confirmation. That Staff prepare the design and tender of Wyndham Street North construction to expedite construction, with reasonable mitigation measures taken to minimize construction disruption and road closures. 10.1.4Improving Access to Public Washrooms in Guelph - 2024-347 1.Improving Access to Public Washrooms in Guelph - 2024-347.pdf2.SomewhereToGo_17May'24_AODA_Edited.pdfRecommendation:That the inclusion of appropriate underground infrastructure to facilitate the installation of self-cleaning, autonomous prefabricated public washroom structures be incorporated for each phase of the Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program, including the design of St. George’s Square, as appropriate.That staff work with the Downtown Guelph Business Association to explore opportunities to provide public access to washrooms through a “Community Toilet Scheme.”That portable washrooms continue to be used to expand access to washrooms in public spaces until permanent facilities are provided.That staff continue to explore opportunities to make new and existing permanent washroom facilities in parks and other locations available during all seasons as these facilities are constructed, modified or upgraded.That staff incorporate public washroom locations into the City’s wayfinding strategy.That the inclusion of accessible and gender-neutral options continue to be considered for new, modified or upgraded public washroom facilities.That the provision of publicly accessible washrooms be considered during the planning of future capital projects in order to continuously expand the City’s network of public washrooms.10.1.5Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study - 2024-334 1.Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study - 2024-334.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Recommended Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Boundary.pdfRecommendation: That the recommendations of the Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study Report (prepared by ASI and dated June 2024) be approved. That staff be directed to prepare a plan and guideline for the Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act. 11.Service Area Chair and Staff Announcements 12.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Downtown Collection Area Update - 2024-350.pdf2.Attachment-1 Supplemental Information.pdf1.Indigenous Relations Framework - 2024-360.pdf2.Attachment-1 Indigenous Relations Framework.pdf1.Improving Access to Public Washrooms in Guelph - 2024-347.pdf2.SomewhereToGo_17May'24_AODA_Edited.pdf1.Solid Waste Resources Recycling Program Transition Audit - 2024-349.pdf1.Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study - 2024-334.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Recommended Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Boundary.pdf1.Downtown Streetscape Level of Service and Construction Mitigation - 2024-353.pdf2.Attachment-1 Engagement Summary.pdf3.Attachment-2 Potential Streetscape Investment by Project.pdf1.Downtown Renewal Update Presentation.pdf