Minutes of Guelph City CouncilMonday, July 27, 2020 at 6:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Remote meeting live streamedon guelph.ca/liveCouncil:Mayor C. GuthrieCouncillor P. AlltCouncillor B. BellCouncillor C. BillingsCouncillor L. CaronCouncillor C. DownerCouncillor D. GibsonCouncillor R. GollerCouncillor J. GordonCouncillor J. HoflandCouncillor M. MacKinnonCouncillor D. O'RourkeAbsent:Councillor M. SalisburyStaff:S. Stewart, Chief Administrative OfficerC. Clack, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Public ServicesK. Dedman, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise ServicesT. Lee, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate ServicesT. Baker, General Manager, Finance/City TreasurerJ. Sales, General Manager, Strategy, Innovation and Intergovernmental ServicesJ. Smith, Manager of Corporate Communications and Strategic InitiativesK. Newland, Manager, Finance Client Services S. O'Brien, General Manager, City Clerk's Office/City ClerkL. Cline, Council and Committee CoordinatorD. Tremblay, Council and Committee CoordinatorAlso Present:Aiden Grove-White, Strategy Corp. 2.Call to Order Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order. (6:00 p.m.) 3.Open Meeting 3.1Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no disclosures. 4.Multi-Year Budget and Future Ready Action Plans, 2020-106 1.Multi-Year Budget and Strategic Plan Council Workshop - 2020-106.pdf2.Draft Action Plan and Performance Measurement Framework .pdf3.Presentation - Strategic Plan and Multi-Year Budget Workshop .pdf4.1Welcome and Overview of the Workshop Scott Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer, provided introductory remarks, welcomed those attending and introduced Aiden Grove-White from Strategy Corp., who would be leading council through the workshops facilitated discussions.4.2Introducing a New Way of Operating - Financial Frameworks Driven by Agile Strategy Scott Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer, and Trevor Lee, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services, provided a summary of the new ways of operating and financial frameworks driven by agile strategy. 4.3City of Guelph Financial Framework and Path to Multi-Year Budget Tara Baker, General Manager, Finance /City Treasurer, provided a summary of the financial framework and path to the multi-year budget. 4.4Setting a Performance Framework for the Strategic Plan, Future Ready 2019-2023 Jodie Sales, General Manager, Strategy, Innovation and Intergovernmental Services, summarized the performance framework for the Strategic Plan, Future Ready 2019-2023. 4.4.1Facilitated Roundtable Discussion Aiden Grove-White, Facilitator, Strategy Corp. lead council through a discussion of the performance framework for the Strategic Plan, Future Ready 2019-2023. 4.5Financial Implications of the Future Ready Action Plan Tara Baker, General Manager, Finance/City Treasurer summarized the financial implications of the Future Ready Action Plan. Scott Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer, detailed the opportunities to create budget savings and efficiencies. 4.5.1Facilitated Roundtable Discussion Aiden Grove-White, Facilitator, Strategy Corp., lead council through a discussion of the financial implications of the Future Ready Action Plan. 4.6Wrap-Up and Next Steps Scott Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer, provided closing remarks summarizing the discussion comments and provided details on the next steps. 5.Multi-Year Budget and Future Ready Action Plans, 2020-16 Moved ByCouncillor GibsonSeconded ByCouncillor O'RourkeThat Council receive the Multi-Year Budget and Future Ready Action Plans, 2020-106 workshop presentation. Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, and Councillor O'RourkeCarried (12 to 0)6.Mayor's Announcements Councillors O'Rourke and MacKinnon will hold a virtual townhall chat on Thursday, July 30th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 7.Adjournment Moved ByCouncillor GibsonSeconded ByCouncillor CaronThe meeting is adjourned at 9:04 p.m.Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, and Councillor O'RourkeCarried (12 to 0)No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Multi-Year Budget and Strategic Plan Council Workshop - 2020-106.pdf2.Draft Action Plan and Performance Measurement Framework .pdf3.Presentation - Strategic Plan and Multi-Year Budget Workshop .pdf