Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order. (6:30 p.m.)
Due to technical difficulties the meeting was cancelled.
The following items will be rescheduled to an upcoming meeting of Council:
2.1 - 15 Forbes Avenue - Heritage Permit (HP22-0002) for Detached Additional Residential Dwelling and Detached Garage - 2022-214
2.2 - Decision Report 12 Poole St Proposed Official Plan Amendment File OZS22-002 - 2022-207
3.1 - Public Meeting for 785 Gordon Street Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments File OZS22-005 - 2022-170
3.2 - Public Meeting for 1563-1576 Gordon Street - Zoning By-law Amendment (OZS22-006), 2022-192
4.1 - Decision Report City Initiated Official Plan Amendment, Emma to Earl Pedestrian Bridge - 2022-198
5.1 - By-law Number (2022) - 20719
5.2 - By-law Number (2022) - 20721
5.3 - By-law Number (2022) - 20727
5.4 - By-law Number (2022) - 20728