City Council - Planning
Revised Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".

Council Planning meetings are live streamed at Members of the public may delegate in person or by electronic participation. 

To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2340 536 7243.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.

Arden DeMarco

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the application submitted by IBI Group on behalf of the owner, Victoria Park Village Inc. on the lands municipally known as 12 Poole Street and legally described as Block 91, 61M-244, City of Guelph for an Official Plan Amendment to redesignate the subject lands from the “Low Density Greenfield Residential” land use designation to a “High Density Residential” land use designation with a site-specific policy to allow a maximum net density of 208 units per hectare, be refused; a summary of reasons for refusal are set out in Attachment-3 of Report 2022-207, dated June 13, 2022.

Katie Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner

*Rachel Bossie, Senior Planner, GSP Group, Agent on behalf of the owner
*Marc Villemaire, Society Developments, Agent on behalf of the owner
*Bill Mungall
*Sandra Byers
*Sheila Trask
*Mary Ann Robinson
*Tony Davelman

Jill Melo-Graydon
*Andrew P. Donovan
*Dina Fisher
*Rachel Bossie
*Karen Sagan
*Jennifer Harrison
*Elaine Lilley
*Sandra Byers
*Marc and Nicole Oudejans
*John Perozzo 
*John and Catherine Holbrook
*Sheila Trask
*Laura Murr
*Mary Semlak
*David Shaw and Sherra Lee Bridle

  • Recommendation:
    1. That report 2022-170 regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (File OZS22-005) by GSP Group on behalf of 2371633 Ontario Inc, to permit the development of a 10 storey mixed use building containing 389 residential units and 600 square metres of commercial, on the lands municipally known as 785 Gordon Street, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services dated June 13, 2022, be received.

Michael Witmer, Senior Development Planner

*Emily Elliott, MHBC Planning, Agent on behalf of the owner
*Francis Hartman
*Carrie Sekenda 
*Joan Ferguson
*Dan Lacroix

Drew Iverson
Adam and Sylvia Campbell
*Andrew P. Donovan
*John R Miller
*Joan Ferguson
*Emily Elliott
*Dan Lacroix

  • Recommendation:
    1. That report 2022-192 regarding proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application (File OZS22-006) by MHBC Planning Limited on behalf of Reid’s Heritage Homes to permit a 154 unit stacked townhouse development as well as eight (8) single detached dwelling units on the lands municipally known as 1563-1576 Gordon Street; 42 & 48 Lowes Road West; and 164-182 Dawn Avenue, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services dated June 13, 2022, be received.

The following items have been extracted from the Committee of the Whole Consent Report and the Council Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.

*Mike Darmon, President Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation
*Hugh Whiteley
*Martin Collier, Residents for a Safe Speedvale Avenue

Patrick Stiles and Michael Kennedy
*Carol McMullen
*Elizabeth Stewart
*Janet Wood
*George Ivanoff
*K. Vanessa Hyland
*Joe Arruda
*Alex Munroe
*John Fisher 
*Rick McRonald
*Amy Withers
*Dr. Meg Thorburn
*Adam Bonnycastle
*Gerry O’Farrell
*Jocelyne Fletcher
*Christian Wong
*Sandra McKinnon 
*Richelle Forsey
*Mike Darmon
*Yvette Tendick
*Derek Hall
*Cynthia Cheeseman
*Hugh Whiteley

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Official Plan Amendment No. 81, initiated by the City of Guelph, for the Emma Street to Earl Street pedestrian bridge, be approved as outlined in Attachment-2 to Report 2022-198.

Resolution to adopt the By-laws (Councillor D. O'Rourke).

  • Recommendation:

    That By-laws numbered (2022) - 20719, (2022) - 20721, (2022) - 20727 and (2022) - 20728 are hereby passed.

A by-law to remove Part Lot Control from Lots 65 to 82 inclusive, Plan 61M-244 designated as Parts 1 to 36 inclusive, Reference Plan 61R-22208 in the City of Guelph.

A by-law to adopt Amendment Number 81 to the City of Guelph Official Plan for the Emma Street to Earl Street pedestrian bridge.

A by-law to remove Part Lot Control from Lots 13 to 17 inclusive, Plan 61M-228 designated as Parts 25 to 34 inclusive, Reference Plan 61R-21507 in the City of Guelph.

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Guelph City Council held June 13, 2022.

Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.

No Item Selected