Special City CouncilMeeting AgendaMonday, July 19, 2021 at 2:00 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.Remote meeting live streamedon guelph.ca/liveChanges to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". To contain the spread of COVID-19, City Council meetings are being held electronically and can be live streamed at guelph.ca/live.To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 173 132 5281.1.Notice of Electronic Participation 1.1City Council This meeting will be held by Electronic Participation in accordance with City of Guelph Procedural By-law (2021)-20590. 2.Call to Order 3.Presentation - Service Rationalization Review Trevor Lee, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate ServicesTara Baker, General Manager, Finance/City TreasurerBruce Peever, Partner, KPMGMark Ellis, General Manager, Human Resources4.Authority to move into closed meeting Recommendation:That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider:4.1Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (closed item) Public Comments: 4.2Service Rationalization Review - Closed - 2021-226 Public Comments: Section 239 (2)(b), (d) and (i) of the Municipal Act relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; labour relations or employee negotiations; and a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization.5.Open Meeting – 4:00 p.m. 5.1Closed Meeting Summary 6.Service Rationalization Review - 2021-217 1.Service Rationalization Review - 2021-217.pdf2.Attachment-1 KPMG Service Rationalization Final Report.pdf3.Attachment-2 Priority Opportunity Action Plan.pdf4.Attachment-3 Remaining Opportunity List.pdf5.Attachment-4 Service Rationalization Review - Staff Presentation.pdf6.Attachment-5 Service Rationalization Review - KPMG Final Report Executive Summary Presentation.pdfRecommendation:That the KPMG Service Rationalization Final Report as attached in Attachment-1 to the Service Rationalization Review report, dated July 19, 2021, be received.That the Priority Opportunity Action Plan as attached in Attachment-2 to the Service Rationalization Review report, dated July 19, 2021, be approved, subject to any amendments made by Council in Service Rationalization Review closed session.That the remaining 26 opportunities not already underway as attached in Attachment-3 to the Service Rationalization Review report dated July 19, 2021 be approved and staff be directed to incorporate these into future work plans and multi-year budgets that support the Strategic Plan, Guelph. Future Ready, subject to any amendments made by Council.7.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Service Rationalization Review - 2021-217.pdf2.Attachment-1 KPMG Service Rationalization Final Report.pdf3.Attachment-2 Priority Opportunity Action Plan.pdf4.Attachment-3 Remaining Opportunity List.pdf5.Attachment-4 Service Rationalization Review - Staff Presentation.pdf6.Attachment-5 Service Rationalization Review - KPMG Final Report Executive Summary Presentation.pdf