Minutes of Guelph City Council

Remote meeting live streamed
on guelph.ca/live
  • Mayor C. Guthrie
  • Councillor P. Allt
  • Councillor B. Bell
  • Councillor C. Billings
  • Councillor L. Caron
  • Councillor C. Downer
  • Councillor D. Gibson
  • Councillor R. Goller
  • Councillor J. Gordon
  • Councillor J. Hofland
  • Councillor M. MacKinnon
  • Councillor D. O'Rourke
  • Councillor M. Salisbury
  • S. Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer
  • C. Clack-Bush, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Public Services
  • T. Lee, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services
  • S. O'Brien, Acting Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services
  • D. McMahon, Acting General Manager, City Clerk's Office/City Clerk
  • L. Cline, Council and Committee Coordinator
  • G. Meades, Council and Committee Coordinator

Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order (2:00 p.m.).

Stephen O'Brien provided opening remarks regarding the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review.

The following delegates spoke via telephone regarding this item:
Susan Watson
Morgan Dandie-Hannah
Tanya Gevaert
Lin Grist
Ron East

It was requested that the clauses be grouped and voted on separately based on similar themes.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Allt

    14. That the City Clerk be delegated authority to act as the head of the municipality under the Ontario Ombudsman Act.

    15. That the City Clerk be directed to implement any necessary policies and procedures required to act as the head of the municipality under the Ontario Ombudsman Act.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Councillor Allt, Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor Salisbury, and Councillor O'Rourke
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gordon

    8. That the Recruitment, Appointment and Contract Administration for Municipal Officers policy, included as Attachment-5 to the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, be approved.

    9. That the Recruitment Procedures for Municipal Officers, included as Attachment-6 to the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, be approved. 

    10. That the Chief Administrative Officer Procedure for Hiring and Position Profile be repealed.

    11. That the Chief Administrative Officer Appraisal Committee Terms of Reference be repealed.

    12. That the Chief Administrative Officer Employment Policy be repealed.

    13. That the authority to recruit and appoint the position of Integrity Commissioner, whenever a vacancy occurs, be delegated to the Chief Administrative Officer and that the Chief Administrative Officer report on any use of this delegation through an information report.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Allt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Billings

    5. That the Information Flow Protocol be repealed.

    6. That the revised City Council Vacancy Policy, included as Attachment-4 to the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, be approved.

    7. That staff be directed to bring a revised copy of the Elliott By-law as outlined in the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, to City Council for approval.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Goller
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hofland

    3. That the revised Committee of the Whole Terms of Reference, included as Attachment-3 to the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, be approved.

    4. That the City Council Terms of Reference be repealed.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gordon

    1. That the Procedural By-law, included as Attachment-1 to the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, be approved.

    2. That the City Clerk be directed to develop a policy related to the submission of electronic petitions and report back to City Council through an Information Report in the third quarter of 2021.

  • Amendment:
    Moved ByCouncillor Caron
    Seconded ByCouncillor Downer

    2. That the City Clerk be directed to develop a policy related to the submission of electronic petitions and report back to City Council in the third quarter of 2021.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Motion as Amended:
    Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gordon

    1. That the Procedural By-law, included as Attachment-1 to the 2018-2022 Mid-term Governance Review and dated March 22, 2021, be approved.

    2. That the City Clerk be directed to develop a policy related to the submission of electronic petitions and report back to City Council in the third quarter of 2021.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Salisbury, and Councillor MacKinnon
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • New Motion

    Moved ByCouncillor Downer
    Seconded ByCouncillor O'Rourke

    That staff report back on best practices for task forces through the next Governance Review.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Allt

    That by-laws numbered (2021)-20581 and (2021)-20584 are hereby passed.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor MacKinnon, and Councillor O'Rourke
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Billings
    Seconded ByCouncillor Allt

    That the meeting be adjourned (3:38 p.m.). 

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Allt, Councillor Bell, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Downer, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Hofland, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, and Councillor Salisbury
    Carried (13 to 0)