Committee of Adjustment
Comments from Staff, Public and Agencies

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Public hearing for applications under sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act.

Committee of Adjustment hearings are live streamed at Members of the public who wish to speak to an application may do so in person or by electronic participation. 


To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter meeting code 2332 653 2967.


The public is invited to comment by submitting written comments and/or speaking to an application listed on the agenda. Written comments can be submitted using the contact information listed below. Members of the public who wish to speak to an application are encouraged to contact Committee of Adjustment staff by noon on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.


To contact Committee of Adjustment staff by email or phone: (attachments must not exceed 20 MB)
519-822-1260 extension 2524
TTY 519-826-9771


When we receive your request, we will send you confirmation and instructions for participating in the hybrid hearing. Instructions will also be provided during the hearing to ensure those watching online or in-person are given the opportunity to speak.

Current Applications


A-95/24 39 Hayes Avenue


Staff recommendation: Approval with conditions

B-52/24 B-53/24 B-54/24 B-55/24 B-56/24 B-57/24 B-58/24 A-96/24 A-97/24 A-98/24 A-99/24 A-100/24 A-101/24 A-102/24 A-103/24 302 and 306 Edinburgh Road South


B-1/25 A-2/25 A-3/25 68-76 Wyndham Street South


B-4/25 B-5/25 B-6/25 8 Mitchell Street


A-12/25 25 Fair Road


Staff recommendation: Approval



Deferral Fee Refund Request (439 Victoria Road North)