Michael Witmer, Senior Development Planner, provided a presentation on the proposed development.
The following delegates spoke to this item:
Emily Elliott - MHBC Planning, Agent on behalf of the owner, gave a presentation on behalf of the applicant and provided further details on the proposal.
Joan Ferguson and Jim Ferguson spoke jointly and expressed concerns regarding reduced parking, increased traffic on Lowes Road and Dawn Avenue, ground water infiltration, the loss of trees in the neighbourhood, reduced setbacks for the proposed lots, and increased density in the neighbourhood.
Francis Hartman expressed concerns for the loss of greenspace on Dawn Avenue, increased water levels and flooding concerns, increased traffic and parking, increased noise, and increased density.
The following delegate did not speak to this item:
Carrie Sekenda
Council recessed at 7:37 p.m. to allow time for delegations to call into the remote meeting to speak to the item. Council reconvened at 7:40 p.m.