Consent File B-52/24
Having had regard to the matters under Section 51(24) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 as amended, and having considered whether a plan of subdivision of the land in accordance with Section 51 of the said Act is necessary for the proper and orderly development of the land,
Moved by: A. Balaban
Seconded by: R. Speers
That in the matter of an application under Section 53(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P13, as amended, consent for severance of Block A, Plan 620 and Part Lot 4, Concession 3, Division 'G', currently known as 302 and 306 Edinburgh Road South, a parcel of land (noted as Severed Parcel 1), with frontage along Edinburgh Road South of 10.23 metres, a depth of 48.77 metres, and an area of 498 square metres, substantially in accordance with a sketch prepared by Van Harten Surveying Inc., dated January 24, 2025, project number 33820-24, be approved, subject to the following conditions:
- Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official and/or prior to undertaking activities which may injure or destroy private trees, the applicant shall submit a Tree Preservation Plan (TIPP) undertaken by a Certified Arborist, in accordance with the requirements of the City’s Tree Technical Manual and to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Building Services.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the Owner(s) shall transfer to the City, at no cost, a 3.048m road widening in accordance with Table 5.1 of the Official Plan, to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the owner(s) shall provide to the City, to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer, a stormwater management and functional servicing report for the severed and retained lands that has been prepared in accordance with the City of Guelph’s Development Engineering Manual.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the owner(s) shall provide to the City, to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer, a grading and drainage plan for the severed and retained lands that has been prepared in accordance with the City of Guelph’s Development Engineering Manual.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the owner(s) shall provide to the City, to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer, a servicing plan for the severed and retained lands that has been prepared in accordance with the City of Guelph’s Development Engineering Manual.
- That prior to the issuance of Certificate of Official, the owner(s) shall submit environmental reports in accordance with Appendix A of City’s Guidelines for Development of Contaminated or Potentially Contaminated Sites to the satisfaction of the General Manager/ City Engineer.
- That prior to the issuance of building permit, the owner(s) shall submit a detailed noise study that has been designed in accordance with the Guelph Noise Control Guidelines(GNCG) to the satisfaction of the General Manager/ City Engineer.
- That prior to issuance of building permit, the owner(s) designs the new dwelling at such an elevation that the lowest level of the building can be serviced with a gravity connection to the sanitary sewer. If the owner(s) satisfactorily demonstrates to the General Manager/City Engineer that a below-grade gravity connection is not achievable, the building's below-grade level may be allowed to pump sewage, in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, to the property line, and have a gravity connection from the property line to the City's sanitary sewer.
- That prior to the issuance of a building permit on the proposed severed lands, the Owner agrees to pay the estimated cost of all proposed works within the city’s right-of-way to the severed and retained lands to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer. The Owner further agrees to pay the actual costs of all proposed works within the city’s right-of-way to the severed and retained lands to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer.
- That prior to the issuance of building permit, the owner(s) shall submit a construction staging plan for all works within the right of way to the satisfaction of the General Manager/City Engineer.
- That prior to the issuance of building permit, the owner(s) shall design, construct, install, and maintain erosion and sediment control facilities satisfactory to the General Manager/City Engineer, in accordance with the Developmental Engineering Manual.
- That prior to the issuance of any building permits on the proposed severed lands, the owner shall pay the flat rate charge established by the City for tree planting for the proposed severed lands.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the existing dwellings and accessory structures be demolished to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the Owner shall enter into an agreement with the City, registered on title, agreeing to satisfy the above noted conditions and to develop the site in accordance with the approved plans.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, the Owner shall prepare and register with the Land Registry Office, at the Owner’s expense, an Application to Consolidate Parcels to merge the two property PINs for the two abutting properties at 302 and 306 Edinburgh Road South and must own title in the same name and capacity to allow for consideration.
- That all required fees and charges in respect of the registration of all documents required in respect of this approval and administration fee be paid, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official.
- That the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment be provided with a written undertaking from the applicant's solicitor, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, that he/she will provide a copy of the registered instrument as registered in the Land Registry Office within two years of issuance of the Certificate of Official, or prior to the issuance of a building permit (if applicable), whichever occurs first.
- That prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Official, a Reference Plan be prepared, deposited and filed with the Secretary-Treasurer which shall indicate the boundaries of the severed parcel, any easements/rights-of-way and building locations. The submission must also include a digital copy of the deposited Reference Plan (version ACAD 2010) which can be forwarded by email (
- That upon fulfilling and complying with all of the above-noted conditions, the documents to finalize and register the transaction be presented to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment along with the administration fee required for the issuance of the Certificate of Official.
This application is approved, as it is the opinion of the Committee that, with the above noted conditions of approval, this application meets the criteria of section 51(24) of the Planning Act to which all consent applications must adhere.
Any and all written submissions relating to this application that were made to the Committee of Adjustment before its decision and any and all oral submissions related to this application that were made at a public hearing, held under the Planning Act, have been, on balance, taken into consideration by the Committee of Adjustment as part of its deliberations and final decision on this matter.