Minutes of Heritage Guelph Committee

Remote meeting via Cisco Webex
  • S. Epp, Chair
  • J. Abou-Jaoude
  • D. Cameletti
  • K. Carroll
  • M. Corman
  • L. Wood
  • C. Downer, City Councillor
  • C. McCarthy-Tilley
  • J. Mallon, Heritage Planner
  • S. Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner
  • E. Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator
  • J. Tang, Legislative Coordinator
  • D. McMahon, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk
  • R. Flewelling, Heritage Research Assistant

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 12:01 p.m.

The Chair provided the Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgement.

Member K. Carroll declared a conflict of interest with respect to item 2.1, as she is involved in working with on these properties through her employer.

  • Moved by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude
    Seconded by: Member D. Cameletti

    That the minutes from the January 15, 2024 and January 29, 2024 meetings of the Heritage Guelph Committee, be approved. 


The Chair spoke to this item. The owners of the property have asked for a revision of the heritage attributes listed in the report and therefore it is best to defer this item to the next meeting. 

  • Moved by: Member M. Corman
    Seconded by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude

    THAT Heritage Guelph defer item 3.1 of the Heritage Guelph Agenda dated February 5th, 2024, 408 Willow Road: Heritage Attributes and Designation Recommendation to the March 4th, 2024 Heritage Guelph meeting. 


The Chair spoke to this item. 

  • Moved by: Member L. Wood
    Seconded by: Member M. Corman

    THAT Heritage Guelph appoint Member D. Cameletti and Member J. Abou-Jaoude to delegate on behalf of the committee at the February 13, 2024 Council Planning Meeting on the notices of objection to the intention to designate 2187 Gordon St and 331 Clair Road East


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, spoke to this item. 

  • Moved by: Member M. Corman
    Seconded by: Member L. Wood

    THAT Heritage Guelph meetings be hosted in a hybrid format, both virtually and in-person at City Hall.


Dylan McMahon, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy City Clerk, delivered a presentation and engaged with committee members on the Advisory Committees of Council Governance Framework Phase 2 project. 

Stephen Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the 40 Spring Street: Notice of Amendment of Heritage Designation By-law (2004)- 17606. 

  • Moved by: Member L. Wood
    Seconded by: Member D. Cameletti

    THAT Heritage Guelph supports the proposed amendment to heritage designation By-law (2004)-17606 as presented in the staff report dated February 5, 2024; and

    THAT Heritage Guelph recommends that City Council give notice of the proposed by-law amendment pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, presented the 331 Clair Road East - Heritage Permit Application and the removal of the summer kitchen. 

The following delegate spoke:
Emily Elliott, MHBC

  • Moved by: Member L. Wood
    Seconded by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude

    THAT Heritage Guelph provides the following comments to the General Manager, Planning and Building Services with respect to the heritage permit application for 331 Clair Road East:

    The proposed removal of the summer kitchen at 331 Clair Road East does not negatively impact the heritage attributes identified in the Notice of Intention to Designate issued November 23, 2023.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, presented the 15-23 Fountain Street: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report. 

The following comments from the Committee were received for staff:

  • Member Corman presented the opinion that the property meets criterion 1, 4, 5, and 8
  • Member Wood noted that it should be recognized that not all properties the committee identifies as candidates for designation may meet the criteria
  • Member Cameletti expressed reluctance to abandon a type of building that is not represented by designation elsewhere in the City
  • Member Abou-Jaoude suggested that a representative example of row-housing be prioritized for designation
  • Member Corman suggested that the motion be separated into two motions.
  • Members asked clarifying questions about the process if the committee did not agree with staff’s assessment
  • Moved by: Member M. Corman
    Seconded by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude

    THAT the comments provided by Heritage Guelph members on the '15-23 Fountain Street East: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report’ be provided to staff and Council for their consideration.

  • Moved by: Member L. Wood
    Seconded by: Member D. Cameletti

    THAT Heritage Guelph advise City Council that based on current research, 15-23 Fountain Street East does not meet the provincial criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest as outlined in O.Reg 9/06

  • Moved by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude
    Seconded by: Member L. Wood

    THAT the comments provided by Heritage Guelph members on the '108 Queen Street: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report’ be provided to staff and Council for their consideration.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, spoke to this item and reminded committee members that the Downtown Heritage Conservation District Study Open House is taking place on February 20, 2024 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. 

  • Moved by: Member K. Carroll
    Seconded by: Member L. Wood

    That the Heritage Guelph meeting be adjourned at 1:57 p.m.


The Chair spoke to this item and reminded members that the next meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. and will be hybrid.