Minutes of Guelph City Council

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street
  • Mayor C. Guthrie
  • Councillor P. Allt
  • Councillor B. Bell
  • Councillor C. Billings
  • Councillor L. Caron
  • Councillor C. Downer
  • Councillor D. Gibson
  • Councillor R. Goller
  • Councillor J. Gordon
  • Councillor J. Hofland
  • Councillor M. MacKinnon
  • Councillor D. O'Rourke
  • Councillor M. Salisbury
  • J. Holmes, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services
  • K. Walkey, General Manager, Planning and Building Services
  • C. DeVriendt, Manager Development Planning
  • K. Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner
  • L. Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner
  • M. Witmer, Senior Development Planner
  • D. McMahon, Manager, Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk
  • J. da Silva, Council and Committee Coordinator
  • G. Meades, Council and Committee Coordinator
  • C. Murray-Sprague, Council and Committee Coordinator

Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order (6:04 p.m.). He outlined changes to the hearing procedures due to technical issues.

Councillor Gordon declared a pecuniary interest regarding item 3.1 - Decision Report 93 Arthur Street South Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment File: OZS21-007 - 2022-212, as he lives near the property in question.

Councillor Caron declared a pecuniary interest regarding 4.1 - Public Meeting for 785 Gordon Street Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments File OZS22-005 - 2022-170, as the applicant is in competition with Councillor Caron's employer.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Downer
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hofland
    1. That the application by MHBC Planning Limited on behalf of the owner, 2538003 Ontario Inc. on lands municipally known as 300 Grange Road, and legally described as Part of Lot 6, Plan 53, Division ‘C’, Part 1 on 61R-10871, City of Guelph, for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from the current “Residential Cluster Townhouse” (R.3A) Zone and “Residential Single Detached” (R.1D) Zone to a “Specialized Residential Cluster Townhouse” (R.3A-?) Zone, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of Report 2022-239 dated July 11, 2022.
    2. That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 300 Grange Road.
    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (13 to 0)

    Councillor Gordon left the Council Planning meeting. (6:10 p.m.)

The following delegates spoke to this item:
Benjamin Jones
Hugh Handy

  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor O'Rourke
    1. That the application by GSP Group on behalf of the owner, 2278570 Ontario Inc/5 Arthur St Developments, on lands municipally known as 93 Arthur Street South, for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to revise and add regulations in the current “Specialized High Density Residential” (R.4B-15.4) Zone, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of Report 2022-212 dated July 11, 2022.
    2. That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 93 Arthur Street South. 
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (12 to 0)

    Councillor Gordon rejoined the meeting. (6:46 p.m.)

The following delegates spoke to this item:
Joan Koob
Rubina Heddokheel

  • Moved ByCouncillor Allt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gibson
    1. That the application submitted by Robert Russell Planning Consultants Inc., on behalf of the owners 2613598 Ontario Inc. and 2589618 Ontario Inc. for a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from the current “Urban Reserve” (UR) Zone and “Specialized Residential Single Detached” with a Holding Symbol (R.1B-39(H)) Zone in part to the “Residential Cluster Townhouse” (R.3A) Zone, “General Apartment” (R.4A) Zone, “Conservation Land” (P.1) Zone and “Wetland” (WL) Zone on the lands municipally known as 78 and 82 Eastview Road and legally described as Part Lot 2, Concession 5, Division C, City of Guelph (Formerly Township of Guelph), be refused; a summary of reasons for refusal are set out in Attachment-9 of Report 2022-220, dated July 11, 2022.
    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor MacKinnon, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (13 to 0)

Katie Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner, summarized the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and provided details on the site context, Official Plan designation, current and proposed zoning, and the requested specialized zoning regulations.

Councillor Caron left the meeting. (7:20 p.m.)

The following delegates spoke to this item:

Rachel Bossie, Senior Planner, GSP Group,  spoke on behalf of the application and provided further details on the proposal.

Marc Villamaire, Managing Partner, SRM Architects, provided general information on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.

Sandra Byers, expressed concerns regarding the loss of privacy due to the height of the building, noise and increases in vehicular traffic.

Sheila Trask, expressed concerns regarding an increase in density, traffic and noise.

Bill Mungal, expressed concerns regarding noise and shadow as a result of the proposed development. The delegate also expressed concerns regarding the use of some of the proposed outdoor spaces used by tenants. 

Geraldine Amichand, expressed concerns regarding noise around the property in question.

The followings did not speak:
Mary Ann Robinson
Julia Salvini
Chris Pidgeon

Council recessed at 8:24 p.m. and reconvened at 8:33 p.m. 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Goller
    Seconded ByCouncillor Hofland
    1. That report 2022-170 regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (File OZS22-005) by GSP Group on behalf of 2371633 Ontario Inc, to permit the development of a 10 storey mixed use building containing 389 residential units and 600 square metres of commercial, on the lands municipally known as 785 Gordon Street, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services dated June 13, 2022, be received.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (12 to 0)

    Councillor Caron rejoined the meeting. (8:33 p.m.)


This item has attachments. 

Lindsay Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner summarized the proposed Zoning By-law amendment application and presented the following items; location, existing Official Plan land use designation, purpose and effect of Official Plan amendment application, existing zoning, proposed zoning, and proposed conceptual site plan.

Astrid Clos, planning consultant on behalf of the owner, provided further information on the uses of surrounding lands, official plan amendments, and proposed Zoning By-law changes.

Honglin Cui, design architect on behalf of the owner, provided clarification on requested Zoning By-law amendments.

Valerie Gilmor provided general information on the neighbourhood and expressed concerns regarding increased traffic, decrease in green space, possible future noise and pedestrian safety.

Nicole Sweeney provided a general description of the neighbourhood and spoke in opposition to the proposed application and expressed concerns regarding traffic, density, and environmental impacts.

Timothy Gaw spoke in opposition to the application and expressed concerns regarding environmental impacts and increased density.

  • Moved ByCouncillor Goller
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gordon
    1. That the Statutory Public Meeting Report regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Astrid J. Clos Planning Consultants on behalf of the owners Yanliang Li, Guan Si Dan International Canada Inc. and Danqi Li, to permit the development of two, 6-storey apartment buildings with a total of 134 units and 22, 3-storey on-street townhouse units on the lands municipally known as 1166-1204 Gordon Street and legally described as Part of Lot 5, Concession 8, (Geographic Township of Puslinch) City of Guelph, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated July 11, 2022 be received
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Hofland
    Seconded ByCouncillor O'Rourke

    That By-laws numbered (2022) - 20724 and (2022) - 20725 are hereby passed.

    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Downer
    Seconded ByCouncillor Caron

    That the meeting be adjourned. (9:59 p.m.)

    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Bell, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Hofland, Councillor Salisbury, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, and Councillor Caron
    Carried (12 to 0)
No Item Selected