Minutes of Guelph City Council

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street
  • Mayor C. Guthrie
  • Councillor P. Allt
  • Councillor C. Billings
  • Councillor L. Busuttil
  • Councillor L. Caron
  • Councillor E. Caton
  • Councillor K. Chew
  • Councillor C. Downer
  • Councillor D. Gibson
  • Councillor R. Goller
  • Councillor C. Klassen
  • Councillor D. O'Rourke
  • Councillor M. Richardson
  • S. Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer
  • C. Clack-Bush, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Public Services
  • J. Holmes, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services
  • T. Lee, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services
  • K. Walkey, General Manager, Planning and Building Services
  • M.Witmer, Senior Development Planner
  • K. Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner
  • S. O'Brien, General Manager, City Clerk's Office/City Clerk
  • G. Meades, Council and Committee Coordinator
  • C.Murray-Sprague, Council and Committee Coordinator
  • A. Sandor, Council and Committee Assistant

Mayor Guthrie called the meeting to order (7:45 p.m.)

  • Moved ByCouncillor Billings
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gibson
    1. That the application by Van Harten Surveying Inc. on behalf of the owner 2795318 Ontario Inc., on the property municipally known as 639 Eramosa Road, and legally described as all of Lots 4 and 5, and Part of Lots 3 and 6, Registered Plan 549, City of Guelph for approval of an Official Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from the “Low Density Residential” land use designation to the “Mixed Office/Commercial” land use designation to permit the redevelopment of the property into a medical clinic (chiropractic clinic), be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2022-339, dated December 6, 2022.
    2. That the application by Van Harten Surveying Inc. on behalf of the owner 2795318 Ontario Inc., on the property municipally known as 639 Eramosa Road, and legally described as all of Lots 4 and 5, and Part of Lots 3 and 6, Registered Plan 549, City of Guelph for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from the “Educational, Spiritual and Other Services” (I.1) Zone to a “Specialized Office Residential” (OR-?) Zone, to permit the redevelopment of the property into a medical clinic (chiropractic clinic), be approved in accordance with Attachment-4 of Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2022-339, dated December 6, 2022.
    3. That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 639 Eramosa Road.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Caton, Councillor Klassen, Councillor Richardson, and Councillor Chew
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Billings
    Seconded ByCouncillor Gibson
    1. That the request for variance from Table 20.3.1 – Drive-Through Facilities and Table 24.1 - Electronic Message Centres, of Sign By-law (2021)-20621, as amended, to permit one electronic drive-through pre-sell menu board sign with a display visible to a residentially zoned property and a setback of 14.7 metres from a residentially zoned property line, at 158 Clair Road East, be approved; and
    2. That the request for variance from Table 20.3.1 – Drive-Through Facilities and Table 24.1 - Electronic Message Centres, of Sign By-law (2021)-20621, as amended, to permit one electronic drive-through menu-board sign with a display visible to a residentially zoned property and a setback of 14.8 metres from a residentially zoned property line, at 158 Clair Road, be approved; and
    3. That the request for variance from Table 20.3.1 – Drive-Through Facilities and Table 24.1 - Electronic Message Centres, of Sign By-law (2021)-20621, as amended, to permit one electronic drive-through menu-board sign with a display visible to a residentially zoned property and a setback of 19.3 metres from a residentially zoned property line, at 158 Clair Road, be approved.
    Voting in Favour: (12)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Caton, Councillor Klassen, Councillor Richardson, and Councillor Chew
    Carried (12 to 0)

Councillor Busuttil joined the meeting (7:52 p.m.)

The following Delegates spoke:
Hugh Handy 
Susan Watson

  • Moved ByCouncillor Allt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Richardson
    1. That the application from GSP Group on behalf of 2479281 Ontario Inc., for an Official Plan Amendment (OPA 84) to change the land use designation from “Service Commercial” to “Medium Density Residential” and to add a site specific policy for building height to permit the development of two (2), seven (7) storey mixed-use apartment buildings with 139 apartment units and 188 square metres of commercial space on the property municipally known as 265 Edinburgh Road North and legally described as Parts 4, 5, 6 and 7, Range 4, Division ‘A’, Geographic Township of Guelph, City of Guelph, County of Wellington be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2022-327, dated December 6, 2022.
    2. That the application from GSP Group on behalf of 2479281 Ontario Inc., for a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from the current “Service Commercial One” (SC.1) Zone to a “Specialized General Apartment” (R.4A-57) Zone to permit the development of two (2), seven (7) storey mixed-use apartment buildings with 139 apartment units and 188 square metres of commercial space on the property municipally known as 265 Edinburgh Road North and legally described as Parts 4, 5, 6 and 7, Range 4, Division ‘A’, Geographic Township of Guelph, City of Guelph, County of Wellington be approved in accordance with Attachment-4 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2022-327, dated December 6, 2022.
    3. That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 265 Edinburgh Road North.
    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Caton, Councillor Klassen, Councillor Richardson, Councillor Busuttil, and Councillor Chew
    Carried (13 to 0)

Presentation by Katie Nasswetter

The following Delegates spoke:
Trevor Hawkins
Colin Lam 
Leslie Boutlbee
Genevieve Rodrigue
Dylan Fraser 
Bess Elmaraghy
OJ MacDonald
Nicholas Scott 
Kristine Haggen 
Matthew Attard
Kristen Fedorowicz
Maxwell Bevin
Katie Seifried 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Goller
    Seconded ByCouncillor Chew
    1. That report 2022-333 regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications (File OZS22-015) by MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited (MHBC Planning) on behalf of Dotty Lake Retreats Inc., to permit the development of 24 stacked townhouse dwelling units, on the lands municipally known as 140 Hadati Road, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services dated December 6, 2022, be received.
    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Caton, Councillor Klassen, Councillor Richardson, Councillor Busuttil, and Councillor Chew
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved ByCouncillor Billings
    Seconded ByCouncillor Chew

    That By-laws numbered (2022) - 20755, (2022) - 20756, and (2022) - 20759 to (2022) - 20761, as amended, are hereby passed.

    Voting in Favour: (13)Mayor Guthrie, Councillor Gibson, Councillor Goller, Councillor Allt, Councillor Downer, Councillor O'Rourke, Councillor Billings, Councillor Caron, Councillor Caton, Councillor Klassen, Councillor Richardson, Councillor Busuttil, and Councillor Chew
    Carried (13 to 0)

Mayor Guthrie thanked Marty Williams for his service on the DGBA, acknowledging his leadership during COVID pandemic.

Councillor Caron apologized for comments she made on November 3rd, consultation did occur. 

  • Moved ByCouncillor Allt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Klassen

    That the meeting be adjourned (10:16 p.m.).

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