Minutes of Heritage Guelph Committee

Remote meeting via Cisco Webex
  • S. Epp, Chair
  • D. Cameletti
  • K. Carroll
  • M. Corman
  • C. McCarthy-Tilley
  • L. Wood
  • C. Downer, City Councillor
  • J. Abou-Jaoude
  • J. Mallon, Heritage Planner
  • S. Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner
  • E. Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator
  • J. Tang, Legislative Coordinator
  • R. Flewelling, Heritage Research Assistant

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 12:02 p.m.

The Chair provided the Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgment. 

Member Downer declared a conflict of interest with regards to item 2.2 32 Martin Avenue: Heritage Permit Application as the location of the home is nearby the members home.

  • Moved by: Member Cameletti
    Seconded by: Member McCarthy-Tilley

    That the minutes from the February 5, 2024 meeting of the Heritage Guelph Committee, be approved. 


Jack, Mallon, Heritage Planner, presented the 40 Spring Street: Heritage Permit Application

The following delegation attended to respond to questions from the Committee: 

Ian Findlay, property owner

The following comments/questions from the Committee were received for staff: 

  • Members asked clarifying questions about the heritage attributes identified in the designation bylaw
  • Moved by: Member McCarthy-Tilley 
    Seconded by: Member Cameletti

    THAT Heritage Guelph provides the following comments to the General Manager, Planning and Building Services with respect to the heritage permit application for 40 Spring Street:

    The proposed rear addition at 40 Spring Street does not negatively impact the heritage attributes identified in Designation By-Law (2004) - 17606


Member Downer left the meeting. 

Stephen Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner, presented the 32 Martin Avenue: Heritage Application Permit. 

The following delegation attended to respond to questions from the Committee: 

Andrew Pond, property owner

The following comments/questions from the Committee were received for staff: 

  • Which heritage attributes will be affected by the proposed change?
  • Will the proposed alteration be visible from the street?
  • Moved by: Member Corman
    Seconded by: Member Wood

    THAT Heritage Guelph provides the following comments to the General Manager, Planning and Building Services with respect to the heritage permit application for 32 Martin Avenue: 

    The proposed alterations to 32 Martin Avenue abide by the guidelines for the Brooklyn and College Hill Heritage Conservation District.


Member Downer returned to the meeting (12:20 p.m.)

Stephen Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner, provided an overview of the 785 York Road: Notice of Proposed Amendment of Heritage Permit Designation By-law (2021) - 20631

The following comments/questions from the Committee were received for staff: 

  • How did the omission in the legal description in the designation bylaw come to light? 
  • Moved by: Member Cameletti
    Seconded by: Member Wood

    That Heritage Guelph supports the proposed amendment to heritage designation By-law (2021)-20631 as presented in the staff report dated March 4, 2024; and

    That Heritage Guelph recommends that City Council give notice of the proposed by-law amendment pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


Stephen Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner, presented the 408 Willow Road: Heritage Attributes and Designation Recommendation. 

The following comments/questions from the Committee were received for staff: 

  • What were the changes from last month's committee meeting to now?
  • Are there any fruit trees on the property?
  • Moved by: Member Corman
    Seconded by: Member Wood

    THAT Heritage Guelph supports the heritage attributes identified for 408 Willow Road as outlined in the staff report dated February 5, 2024; and

    THAT Heritage Guelph recommends that City Council give notice of its intention to designate 408 Willow Road pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, presented the 14 Neeve Street: Cultural Heritage Evaluation report. 

The following comments/questions from the Committee were received for staff: 

  • The barn was not mentioned in the building description, is the intention to omit the barn from the designation bylaw?
  • Moved by: Member Cameletti
    Seconded by: Member Cameron

    THAT the comments provided by Heritage Guelph members on the '14 Neeve Street: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report’ be provided to staff and Council for their consideration.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, provided the committee with an update on the Ward West Contract which was awarded to ASI. Part 4 designations are aimed to go to Council in the upcoming months. Lastly, the Downtown Heritage Conservation District Study is scheduled to go to Council in June. 

  • Moved by: Member Carroll 
    Seconded by: Member Wood

    That the Heritage Guelph meeting be adjourned at 12:40 p.m.


Heritage Guelph - April 8 at 12:00 p.m.