Minutes of Heritage Guelph Committee

Remote meeting via Cisco Webex
  • S. Epp, Chair
  • J. Abou-Jaoude
  • D. Cameletti
  • K. Carroll
  • C. McCarthy-Tilley
  • D. Waverman
  • C. Downer, City Councillor
  • M. Corman
  • M. Winters
  • L. Wood
  • J. Mallon, Heritage Planner
  • V. Nagy, Heritage Planner
  • E. Barber, Board and Committee Coordinator
  • J. Tang, Legislative Coordinator

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 12:04 p.m.

The Chair provided the Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgement. 

Member K. Carroll declared a conflict of interest with respect to item 2.1 Appointment of a Member to Delegate to Council on October 17, 2023 on item 2187 Gordon - Notice of Intention to Designate as her employer is involved with this property. 
Member D. Waverman declared a conflict of interest with respect to item 2.1 Appointment of a Member to Delegate to Council on October 17, 2023 on item 2187 Gordon - Notice of Intention to Designate as his employer is involved with this property. 

  • Moved by: Member C. McCarthy-Tilley
    Seconded by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude

    That the minutes from the September 11, 2023  meeting of the Heritage Guelph Committee, be approved. 

  • Moved by: Member C. McCarthy-Tilley
    Seconded by: Member D. Cameletti

    That the September 18, 2023 meeting minutes of the Heritage Guelph committee be approved as revised. 


Member K. Carroll and Member D. Waverman left the meeting. 
The Chair spoke to this item. 

  • Moved by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude
    Seconded by: Member C. McCarthy-Tilley

    THAT Heritage Guelph appoint David Cameletti to delegate on behalf of the committee at the October 17, 2023 Council Planning Meeting on item 4.2 "2187 Gordon - Notice of Intention to Designate" 

  • Moved by: Member K. Carroll
    Seconded by: Member D. Waverman 

    THAT Heritage Guelph appoint Jaoudat to represent the committee on the Downtown Guelph Heritage Focus Group in support of the Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study


 Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, presented the architectural designs, received committee comments and questions on 318 Gordon Street: Heritage Permit Application.

  • Moved by: Member C. McCarthy-Tilley
    Seconded by: Member D. Waverman

    THAT Heritage Guelph provides the following comments to the General Manager, Planning and Building Services with respect to the heritage permit application for 318 Gordon Street: 

    The proposed addition to 318 Gordon Street abides by the guidelines for the Brooklyn and College Hill Heritage Conservation District.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, made a presentation and received committee comments on 331 Clair Road East: Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment.

The following delegate spoke to this item: Vanessa Hicks, Heritage Planner, MHBC

The following comments from the Committee were received for staff: 

  • There is a lack of topographic analysis in the HIA.
  • A risk assessment should be prepared for the relocation of the structure.
  • More options should be considered outside of the proposal received in the Zoning Bylaw Amendment, relocation should not be the default option.
  • In regards to the structural report, for us to consider relocation we would need to see a more detailed structural report and relocation plan.
  • Moved by: Member C. McCarthy-Tilley
    Seconded by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude

    THAT the comments provided by Heritage Guelph on “331 Clair Road East: Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment” (prepared by MHBC and dated May 2023) be provided to staff and Council for their consideration.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, presented on the 331 Clair Road East: Heritage Attributes and Designation Recommendation. 

The following delegate spoke to this item: Vanessa Hicks, Heritage Planner, MHBC

  • Moved by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude
    Seconded by: Member D. Cameletti

    THAT Heritage Guelph supports the heritage attributes identified for 331 Clair Road East as outlined in the staff report dated October 10, 2023; and

    THAT Heritage Guelph recommends that City Council give notice of its intention to designate 331 Clair Road East pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, made a presentation on the 49 Metcalfe Street: Heritage Attributes and Designation Recommendation. Staff noted that there was an error in the report and clarified that there has been communication and response with the owners of the property.

  • Moved by: Member C. McCarthy-Tilley
    Seconded by: Member K. Carroll

    THAT Heritage Guelph supports the heritage attributes identified for 49 Metcalfe Street as outlined in the staff report dated October 10, 2023; and

    THAT Heritage Guelph recommends that City Council give notice of its intention to designate 49 Metcalfe Street pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act


Victoria Nagy, Heritage Planner, made a presentation and received committee comments on the 167 Suffolk Street West: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report. 

  • Moved by: Member J. Abou-Jaoude
    Seconded by: Member D. Waverman

    THAT the comments provided by Heritage Guelph members on the '167 Suffolk Street: Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report’ be provided to staff and Council for their consideration.


Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, provided committee members with an update on upcoming items on the October 17th Council Planning meeting, including the notice of intention to designate 2187 Gordon, Tytler Public School at 131 Ontario Street and 33-35 James Street West Intention to demolish.

Victoria Nagy, Heritage Planner, provided committee members with an update on the upcoming public open house the Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study, on October 18th from 4:30-6:30. Registration for the open house tours are available and can be sent to committee members. 

  • Moved by: Member K. Carroll
    Seconded by: Member D. Waverman 

    That the Heritage Guelph meeting be adjourned at 1:16 p.m.


Heritage Guelph - November 13, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.