City CouncilRevised Meeting AgendaMonday, June 28, 2021 at 5:30 P.m. - 11:00 P.m.Remote meeting live streamedon to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". To contain the spread of COVID-19, City Council meetings are being held electronically and can be live streamed at listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 173 182 0118.1.Notice of Electronic Participation 1.1City Council This meeting will be held by Electronic Participation in accordance with City of Guelph Procedural By-law (2021)-20590.2.Call to Order 3.Authority to move into closed meeting Recommendation:That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider:3.1Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (closed items) Public Comments: 3.2Confirmation of Minutes for the closed Council meeting held April 26, 2021 and the closed Committee of the Whole meeting held April 6, 2021 Public Comments: 3.3Non-union Municipal Employee Group Compensation Review - 2021-206 Public Comments: Section 239 (2)(d) of the Municipal Act relating to labour relations or employee negotiations.3.4Closed Report - June 2021 Public Appointments to Advisory Committees of Council - 2021-176 Public Comments: Section 239 (2)(b) of the Municipal Act relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.4.Open Meeting – 6:30 p.m. 4.1O Canada 4.2Silent Reflection 4.3First Nations Acknowledgement 4.4Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 4.5Closed Meeting Summary 5.Confirmation of Open Minutes 1.May 10, 2021 Council Planning Minutes.pdf2.May 17, 2021 Council Workshop Minutes.pdf3.May 26, 2021 Special City Council Minutes.pdf4.May 31, 2021 City Council Minutes.pdf5.May 3, 2021 Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf(Councillor Gibson)Recommendation:That the minutes of the open Council Meetings held May 10, 17, 26 and 31, 2021, and the open Committee of the Whole meeting held May 3, 2021, be confirmed as recorded and without being read.6.Committee of the Whole Consent Report The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Committee of the Whole Consent Report, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.6.1Paramedic Service Response Performance 2020 and Performance Plan 2022 - 2021-150 1.Paramedic Service Response Time Performance Plan 2020-2022 - 2021-150.pdfRecommendation: That the Response Time Performance Plan for 2022 be set as recommended by staff. 6.2Update on Subsidy Policy - 2021-153 1.Update on Subsidy Policy - 2021-153.pdfRecommendation: That Council approve updating the Subsidy Policy to allow for the acceptance of additional income documents in order to grant subsidy access to people facing sudden or unexpected life-changing economic events. That a one-year pilot of a second-tier Subsidy Program estimated to be $250,000 be considered as part of the 2022 budget. 6.3Process on Awarding Funding from the Affordable Housing Reserve - 2021-156 1.Process on Awarding Funding from the Affordable Housing Reserve - 2021-156.pdfRecommendation: That the County of Wellington lead an annual intake process to recommend financial incentives from the Affordable Housing Reserve. That the County of Wellington recommend financial incentives for up to $1.5 million from the Affordable Housing Reserve in a 2021 Request for Proposal process. 6.4Guelph Community Sports Dome - Future Use Options - 2021-148 1.Guelph Community Sports Dome - Future Use Options - 2021-148.pdfRecommendation: That the City of Guelph retains the Guelph Sports Dome as a municipally-owned recreation facility asset for community use. That the Recreation Division of the Culture and Recreation Department operates, programs, rents, maintains, and budgets for the Guelph Community Sports Dome. That the Guelph Community Sports Dome operating budget be considered in the City’s 2022 budget and the capital budget requirements be updated in the capital forecast as appropriate. 6.52020 Consolidated Financial Statements and External Audit Findings Report - 2021-173 1.2020 Consolidated Financial Statements and External Audit Findings Report - 2021-173.pdf2.Attachment-1 City of Guelph 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements (Draft).pdf3.Attachment-2 The Elliott Community 2020 Audited Financial Statements.pdf4.Attachment-3 Downtown Guelph Business Association 2020 Audited Financial Statements (Draft).pdf5.Attachment-4 Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health 2020 Audited Financial Statements.pdf6.Attachment-5 City of Guelph 2020 External Audit Findings Report.pdf7.Staff Presentation - 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements.pdfRecommendation:That the City of Guelph 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements and External Audit Findings Report, dated June 28, 2021, be approved.6.6Budget Policy Update - 2021-172 1.Budget Policy Update - 2021-172.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Budget Policy.pdfRecommendation: That the General Operating and Capital Budget Policy be repealed and replaced with the Budget Policy as included in Attachment-1 of the Budget Policy Update report dated June 7, 2021. That the Budget Policy, as presented in the report titled “Budget Policy Update – 2021-172” and dated June 7, 2021, be amended to clarify that any revision to the budget in budget confirmation years be as a simple majority only and not a 2/3 “super majority”; and, that the City’s Procedural By-law be also amended accordingly. 6.6.1Memo - Budget Policy Update - 2021-205 1.Budget Policy Update - 2021-205.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Budget Policy(1).pdf6.7Capital Program Resourcing Strategy - 2021-39 1.Capital Program Resourcing Strategy - 2021-39.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Summary of Resources Required.pdf3.Staff Presentation Capital Program Resourcing Strategy.pdfRecommendation:That the Capital Program Resourcing Strategy, as described in report Capital Program Resourcing Strategy dated June 7, 2021, be approved.7.Council Consent Agenda The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.7.1June 2021 Public Appointments to Advisory Committees of Council - Open - 2021-178 1.June 2021 Public Appointments to Advisory Committees of Council - Open - 2021-178.pdfRecommendation: That_________ be appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Elliott for a three-year term ending June 2024, or until a successor is appointed. That _________, _________, and _________ be reappointed to the Community Grant Allocation Panel for a term ending November 2022 or until such time as a successor is appointed. That _________, _________, and _________ be reappointed to the Guelph Sports Hall of Fame Board of Directors for a term ending November 2022 or until such time as a successor is appointed. That _________, _________, _________, _________, _________, ________, _________ and _________ be reappointed to the Natural Heritage Advisory Committee for a term ending November 2022 or until such time as a successor is appointed. That _________ and _________ be reappointed to the Property Standards Committee for a term ending November 2022 or until such time as a successor is appointed. That _________be reappointed to the Transit Advisory Committee for a term ending November 2022 or until such time as a successor is appointed. That _________ and _________ be appointed to the Waste Resource Innovation Center Public Liaison Committee for a term ending November 2022 or until such time as a successor is appointed. 8.Items for Discussion The following items have been extracted from the Committee of the Whole Consent Report and the Council Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.8.1Vote from Home Service Pilot for the 2022 Municipal Election - 2021-170 1.Vote from Home Service Pilot for the 2022 Municipal Election - 2021-170.pdf2.Attachment-1 Vote from home service by-law.pdf3.Attachment-2 Motion by AAC sub-committee.pdf4.General Correspondence - Revised Agenda - Vote from Home Service Pilot for the 2022 Municipal Election.pdf(extracted from the June 4, 2021 Items for Information as requested by Mayor Guthrie) Mayor Guthrie will speak to this item. Delegations:*Deborah Stienstra*Lorelei Root*Dr. Aaron Smith*Colin Perkins*Jason Dalgleish*Brooke Sillaby Correspondence:*Jacob Barrick*Pepper Rose*Velma Rabey8.2Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147 1.Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147.pdf2.Attachment-1 Guelph Trail Master Plan, dated May 2021.pdf3.Attachment-2 Proposed Trail Map.pdf4.Attachment-3 Implementation Map.pdf5.Attachment-4 City Building New Trail Priority Evaluation.pdf6.Attachment-5 Trans Canada Trail Update.pdf7.Attachment-6 Council Presentation.pdf8.General Correspondence - Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147.pdf9.Crowe - Presentation.pdf10.General Correspondence - Revised Agenda - Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147 - June 28 City Council.pdf11.Darmon - Correspondence.pdfDelegations:*John Fisher*Anne Crowe, Grand Watershed Trails Network (presentation)*Mike Darmon, Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation*Martin Collier, Residents for a Safe Speedvale Avenue Correspondence:Christine Hykamp*Beth Finnis*Mike Darmon, Guelph Coalition for Active TransportationRecommendation: That the Guelph Trail Master Plan dated May 2021, included as Attachment-1 to this report, be approved. That the funding requirements for the Guelph Trail Master Plan be considered in future operating and capital budgets in order to implement the recommendations of the master plan. That Project 12 identified in the Evaluation of Priority Projects Table of the Guelph Trail Master Plan be identified as an A ranking of potential phasing and that Staff be directed to report to Council within 6 months on short term actionable trail connectivity solutions related to this project. 8.3Guelph. Future Ready Progress Report, 2021-168 1.Guelph. Future Ready Progress Report - 2021-168.pdf2.Attachment-1 Link to the Digital Component of the Future Ready Progress Report.pdf3.Attachment-2 Overview of Strategic Priority Areas KPIs and Strategic Initiatives.pdf4.Attachment-3 Updates to Strategic Plan Documentation.pdfPresentation:Scott Stewart, Chief Administrative OfficerRecommendation:That the Guelph. Future Ready Progress Report, dated June 28, 2021, be approved.9.By-laws Resolution to adopt the By-laws (Councillor Goller). Recommendation:That by-law numbers (2021)-20615 to (2021)-20616, inclusive, are hereby passed.9.1By-law Number (2021)-20615 1.By-law Number (2021)-20615.pdf2.By-law Number (2021)-20615 - Schedule A.pdf3.By-law Number (2021)-20615 - Schedule B.pdf4.By-law Number (2021)-20615 - Schedule C.pdfBeing a By-law to amend Bylaw Number (2002) – 17017 – Traffic By-law.9.2By-law Number (2021)-20616 1.By-law Number (2021)-20616.pdfA by-law to confirm proceedings of a meeting of Guelph City Council held June 28, 2021.10.Mayor’s Announcements Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.11.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.June 2021 Public Appointments to Advisory Committees of Council - Open - 2021-178.pdf1.Paramedic Service Response Time Performance Plan 2020-2022 - 2021-150.pdf1.Update on Subsidy Policy - 2021-153.pdf1.Process on Awarding Funding from the Affordable Housing Reserve - 2021-156.pdf1.Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147.pdf2.Attachment-1 Guelph Trail Master Plan, dated May 2021.pdf3.Attachment-2 Proposed Trail Map.pdf4.Attachment-3 Implementation Map.pdf5.Attachment-4 City Building New Trail Priority Evaluation.pdf6.Attachment-5 Trans Canada Trail Update.pdf7.Attachment-6 Council Presentation.pdf8.General Correspondence - Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147.pdf9.Crowe - Presentation.pdf10.General Correspondence - Revised Agenda - Guelph Trail Master Plan - 2021-147 - June 28 City Council.pdf11.Darmon - Correspondence.pdf1.Guelph Community Sports Dome - Future Use Options - 2021-148.pdf1.2020 Consolidated Financial Statements and External Audit Findings Report - 2021-173.pdf2.Attachment-1 City of Guelph 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements (Draft).pdf3.Attachment-2 The Elliott Community 2020 Audited Financial Statements.pdf4.Attachment-3 Downtown Guelph Business Association 2020 Audited Financial Statements (Draft).pdf5.Attachment-4 Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health 2020 Audited Financial Statements.pdf6.Attachment-5 City of Guelph 2020 External Audit Findings Report.pdf7.Staff Presentation - 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements.pdf1.Budget Policy Update - 2021-172.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Budget Policy.pdf1.Capital Program Resourcing Strategy - 2021-39.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Summary of Resources Required.pdf3.Staff Presentation Capital Program Resourcing Strategy.pdf1.May 10, 2021 Council Planning Minutes.pdf2.May 17, 2021 Council Workshop Minutes.pdf3.May 26, 2021 Special City Council Minutes.pdf4.May 31, 2021 City Council Minutes.pdf5.May 3, 2021 Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf1.Guelph. Future Ready Progress Report - 2021-168.pdf2.Attachment-1 Link to the Digital Component of the Future Ready Progress Report.pdf3.Attachment-2 Overview of Strategic Priority Areas KPIs and Strategic Initiatives.pdf4.Attachment-3 Updates to Strategic Plan Documentation.pdf1.Vote from Home Service Pilot for the 2022 Municipal Election - 2021-170.pdf2.Attachment-1 Vote from home service by-law.pdf3.Attachment-2 Motion by AAC sub-committee.pdf4.General Correspondence - Revised Agenda - Vote from Home Service Pilot for the 2022 Municipal Election.pdf1.Budget Policy Update - 2021-205.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Budget Policy(1).pdf1.By-law Number (2021)-20615.pdf2.By-law Number (2021)-20615 - Schedule A.pdf3.By-law Number (2021)-20615 - Schedule B.pdf4.By-law Number (2021)-20615 - Schedule C.pdf1.By-law Number (2021)-20616.pdf