City Council - Planning
Revised Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".

Committee of the Whole Meetings are live streamed at Members of the public may delegate in person or by electronic participation. 

To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2335 480 3185.

Lindsay Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner

*Tracy Tucker, Senior Project Manager, IBI Group, agent on behalf of the applicant
*John Ariens, Associate Director, IBI Group, agent on behalf of the applicant
*Kieve Pires, Victoria and Macalsiter Community 
*Carrie Vincent, Soleterra Neighborhood 
*Sherin Bimal, Macalister Neighborhood 

*Tracey Tucker
*Ravinder Sharma
*Dr. Raj Shukla
*Karl Vincent
*Sunny Pannu
*Kieve Pires (Petition)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the Statutory Public Meeting Report regarding a proposed Official Plan Amendment application submitted by IBI Group on behalf of the owner, Victoria Park Village Inc. to redesignate the subject lands from the “Low Density Greenfield Residential” land use designation to a “High Density Residential” land use designation with a site-specific policy to allow a maximum net density of 208 units per hectare on the lands municipally known as 12 Poole Street and legally described as Block 91, 61M-244, City of Guelph, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated April 11, 2022 be received.

The following items have been extracted from the Committee of the Whole Consent Report and the Council Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.

*Trevor Hawkins, MHBC Planning
*Dayna Gilbert, Forum Equity Partners

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the application submitted by MHBC Planning, on behalf of the applicant, FEP Real Estate Development Ltd., on lands municipally known as 601 Scottsdale Drive and legally described as Block “K”, Registered Plan 649, City of Guelph, for approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the conversion of the existing hotel building to 151 residential suites and 13 apartment units, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of Report 2022-71, dated April 11, 2022.
    2. That, in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 601 Scottsdale Drive.

Stephen Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the Notice of Objection to the intention to designate 919 York Road dated January 20, 2022 from Kevin Thompson of SmithValeriote Law Firm LLP on behalf of the property owner (Brodie Limited) be received.
    2. That the designation by-law for 919 York Road be approved.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the Notice of Objection to the intention to designate 919 York Road dated January 20, 2022 from Kevin Thompson of SmithValeriote Law Firm LLP on behalf of the property owner (Brodie Limited) be received.

  • Recommendation:

    2. That the designation by-law for 919 York Road be approved.

Resolution to adopt the By-laws. (Councillor Goller)

  • Recommendation:

    That By-laws numbered (2022) - 20689, and (2022) - 20703 are hereby passed.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law numbered (2022) - 20689 is hereby passed.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law numbered (2022) - 20703 is hereby passed.

A by-law to designate portions of the buildings and property known municipally as 919 York Road and described legally as Part Lots 4 & 5 Concession 2, Division 'C', formerly Township of Guelph, designated as Parts 2, 3 & 4, Reference Plan 61R10837, City of Guelph, as being a property of cultural heritage value or interest.

A by-law to amend By-law Number (1995)-14864, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law for the City of Guelph as it affects lands municipally known as 601 Scottsdale Drive and legally described as Block K, Registered Plan 649, City of Guelph (File# OZS21-012).

Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    That the meeting be adjourned. (8:30 p.m.)

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