City CouncilRevised Meeting AgendaMonday, October 25, 2021 at 6:00 P.m. - 11:00 P.m.Remote meeting live streamed on to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". To contain the spread of COVID-19, City Council meetings are being held electronically and can be live streamed at listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2337 702 64361.Notice of Electronic Participation 1.1City Council This meeting will be held by Electronic Participation in accordance with City of Guelph Procedural By-law (2021)-20590.1.2Delegations to Items 6.1, 6.5, and 7.2. Members of the public who have an interest in delegating to items: 6.1 Public Petitions Policy6.5 Real Estate Assets Update7.2 Bell Fibre Expansion Agreement may register up until 10:00 a.m. on Monday, October 25, 2021. You can register as a delegation or submit written comments by contacting the City Clerk’s office by email or phone:519-837-5603TTY (attachments must not exceed 20 MB) When we receive your registration or written comments, we will send you a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the meeting.2.Call to Order 3.Authority to move into closed meeting Recommendation:That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider:3.1Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (closed items) Public Comments: 3.2Confirmation of meetings for the closed Council meetings held September 13, 27 and 30, 2021, and the closed Committee of the Whole meeting held September 7, 2021. Public Comments: 3.3Memorandum of Agreement between City of Guelph and IATSE Local 357 - 2021-329 Public Comments: Section 239(2) (d) labour relations or employee negotiations.4.Open Meeting – 6:30 p.m. 4.1O Canada 4.2Silent Reflection 4.3First Nations Acknowledgement 4.4Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 4.5Closed Meeting Summary 5.Confirmation of Open Minutes 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CPM_Sep13_2021 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - SCM_Sep22_2021 - English.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - City Council_Sep27_2021 - English.pdf4.Post-Meeting Minutes - SCM_Sep30_2021 - English.pdf5.Post-Meeting Minutes - SCM_Oct06_2021 - English.pdf6.Post-Meeting Minutes - CoW_Sep07_2021 - English.pdf7.Post-Meeting Minutes - CoW_Oct04_2021 - English.pdf8.Correspondence - Alex Smith.pdf9.Correspondence - Luke Weiler.pdfDelegations:*Alex Smith Correspondence:*Alex Smith*Luke WeilerRecommendation:That the minutes of the open Council Meetings held September 13, 22, 27, 30 and October 6, 2021, and the open Committee of the Whole meeting held September 7 and October 4, 2021, be confirmed as recorded and without being read.6.Committee of the Whole Consent Report The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Committee of the Whole Consent Report, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.6.1Public Petitions Policy - 2021-279 1.Public Petitions Policy - 2021-279.pdf2.Attachment-1 Public Petitions Policy.pdfRecommendation:That the Public Petitions Policy, included as Attachment-1 to the Public Petitions Policy report dated October 4, 2021, be approved. 6.1.1Council Memo - Public Petitions Policy - 2021-332 1.Council Memo - Public Petitions Policy - 2021-332.pdf6.2649 Scottsdale Drive - Refusal to Issue Tree Permit - 2021-289 1.649 Scottsdale Drive - Refusal to Issue Tree Permit - 2021-289.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map of Subject Property.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph of the Subject Lands.pdf4.Attachment-3 Cover Letter and Completed Application Form .pdf5.Attachment-4 Tree Inspection Report.pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Landscape Plans.pdf7.Attachment-6 Images of Trees.pdf8.Attachment-7 Refusal to Issue Permit Letter.pdfRecommendation:That Council support the staff issued Refusal to Issue Permit, as per the Private Tree Bylaw for 649 Scottsdale Drive.6.3MTO Connecting Links Program 2022 2023 - York Road Phase 3 - 2021-292 1.MTO Connecting Links Program 2022 2023 - York Road Phase 3 - 2021-292.pdfRecommendation:That staff be authorized to submit an application to the Ministry of Transportation with respect to the 2022-2023 Connecting Links Program for the reconstruction of York Road from Stevenson Street to Victoria Road.That staff be authorized to confirm to the Ministry of Transportation that Council: supports of the project identified in the application; confirms that capital funding is available for the municipal contribution component; and, agrees that if the application is successful, the municipality will proceed with the project in accordance with the timelines specified in the application.7.Council Consent Agenda The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.7.1County of Wellington Awards the City of Guelph Affordable Housing Funding - 2021-305 1.County of Wellington Awards the City of Guelph Affordable Housing Funding - 2021-305.pdf2.Attachment 1 City of Guelph Affordable Housing RFP Recommendations.pdf3.Correspondence - Debbie Bentley-Lauzon, Gail Hoekstra.pdfCorrespondence:*Debbie Bentley-Lauzon Executive Director Wyndham House and Gail Hoekstra Executive Director Welcome In Drop In CentreRecommendation:That, in accordance with report #2021-305 dated October 25, 2021, $884,000 be awarded to the Guelph Welcome In Drop In Centre from the Affordable Housing Reserve (#119) for Grace Gardens, the supportive housing project at 721 Woolwich Street.That to the satisfaction and authority of the City Solicitor and Deputy Chief Administration Officer of Public Services, the necessary agreements be entered into and executed with Guelph Welcome In Drop In Centre to fund, outline, and monitor project criteria for the supportive housing project at 721 Woolwich Street.That, in accordance with report #2021-305 dated October 25, 2021, $383,646 be awarded to Wyndham House Incorporated from the Affordable Housing Reserve (#119) for the Youth Supportive Housing Program at 51 Bellevue Street.That to the satisfaction and authority of the City Solicitor and Deputy Chief Administration Officer of Public Services, the necessary agreements be entered into and executed with Wyndham House Incorporated to fund, outline, and monitor project criteria for the Youth Supportive Housing program at 51 Bellevue Street.7.2Bell Fibre Expansion Agreement - 2021-317 1.Bell Fibre Expansion Agreement - 2021-317.pdfRecommendation:That Council authorize the appropriate Deputy Chief Administrative Officer and/or City Engineer to negotiate and execute one or more agreements with Bell Canada for the express purpose of increasing capacity relating to Municipal Consents, Street Occupancy Permits, locates and other utility-related works in connection with the proposed fibre overlay project.That the agreement be for a term of no longer than 3 years related to the proposed fibre overlay project to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor. 8.Items for Discussion The following items have been extracted from the Committee of the Whole Consent Report and the Council Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.8.1Council Appointment to Downtown Guelph Board of Management, Board of Directors - 2021-304 1.Council Appointment to Downtown Guelph Board of Management, Board of Directors - 2021-304.pdf2.Attachment 1 - By-Law Number (2021)-20633.pdfRecommendation:That Councillor Dan Gibson’s appointment to the Downtown Guelph Business Association Board of Management, Board of Directors be revoked.That Council approve a By-law to amend section 6.2 of the City’s Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management By-law, being By-law Number (2014)-19694. That Councillor ___________ be appointed to the Downtown Guelph Business Association Board of Management, Board of Directors for a term ending November 15, 2022. 8.2Real Estate Assets Update - 2021-277 1.Real Estate Assets Update - 2021-277.pdf2.Attachment-1 Real Estate Assets Update Presentation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Drill Hall Market Sounding Study.pdf4.Correspondence -Jane Litchfield.pdf5.Correspondence - John Fisher.pdf6.Correspondence - Patti Broughton.pdf7.Correspondence - Elizabeth Dent.pdfDelegations:*John Fisher*Patti Broughton, Guelph Arts Council Correspondence:*Jane Litchfield*John Fisher*Patti Broughton*Elizabeth DentRecommendation: That the City proceed with preparing an open proposal to solicit uses for the property at 72 Farquhar Street in conjunction with finalizing the stabilization of the property. That upon completion of the stabilization, the Drill Hall shall be secured as is until a suitable community use is found. That staff proceed to stabilize 341 Forestell Road and Carter Farm over the next two years. That staff report back to City Council in Q4 2022 to provide an update on the remaining listed properties of interest. That staff initiate an Expression of Interest process for the Carter Farm property in Q1 of 2022. 8.2.1Council Memo - Real Estate Assets - 2021-333 1.Real Estate Assets Memo - 2021-333.pdf8.3Environmental Policies Update - 2021-281 1.Environmental Policies Update - 2021-281.pdf2.Attachment-1 Leak Forgiveness Credit Policy.pdf3.Attachment-2 Sewer Abatement Credit Policy.pdfDelegations:*Morgan Dandie-Hannah Recommendation:That the Leak Forgiveness Credit Policy as recommended through report titled Environmental Policies Update dated October 4, 2021 be approved.That the Sewer Abatement Credit Policy as recommended through report titled Environmental Policies Update dated October 4, 2021 be approved.That the General Manager, Environmental Services be delegated authority to amend the procedures attached to the Leak Forgiveness Credit Policy and the Sewer Abatement Credit Policy as Appendix-1.9.By-laws Resolution to adopt the By-laws (Councillor Caron).Recommendation:That by-laws numbered (2021)-20638 and (2021)-20640 are hereby passed.9.1By-law Number (2021)-20638 1.By-law Number (2021)-20638.pdfBeing a By-law to amend Bylaw Number (2002) – 17017 – Traffic By-law.9.2By-law Number (2021)-20640 1.By-law Number (2021)-20640.pdfA by-law to confirm proceedings of a meeting of Guelph City Council held October 25, 2021. 10.Mayor’s Announcements Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.11.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Public Petitions Policy - 2021-279.pdf2.Attachment-1 Public Petitions Policy.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - CPM_Sep13_2021 - English.pdf2.Post-Meeting Minutes - SCM_Sep22_2021 - English.pdf3.Post-Meeting Minutes - City Council_Sep27_2021 - English.pdf4.Post-Meeting Minutes - SCM_Sep30_2021 - English.pdf5.Post-Meeting Minutes - SCM_Oct06_2021 - English.pdf6.Post-Meeting Minutes - CoW_Sep07_2021 - English.pdf7.Post-Meeting Minutes - CoW_Oct04_2021 - English.pdf8.Correspondence - Alex Smith.pdf9.Correspondence - Luke Weiler.pdf1.649 Scottsdale Drive - Refusal to Issue Tree Permit - 2021-289.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map of Subject Property.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph of the Subject Lands.pdf4.Attachment-3 Cover Letter and Completed Application Form .pdf5.Attachment-4 Tree Inspection Report.pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Landscape Plans.pdf7.Attachment-6 Images of Trees.pdf8.Attachment-7 Refusal to Issue Permit Letter.pdf1.MTO Connecting Links Program 2022 2023 - York Road Phase 3 - 2021-292.pdf1.Environmental Policies Update - 2021-281.pdf2.Attachment-1 Leak Forgiveness Credit Policy.pdf3.Attachment-2 Sewer Abatement Credit Policy.pdf1.Real Estate Assets Update - 2021-277.pdf2.Attachment-1 Real Estate Assets Update Presentation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Drill Hall Market Sounding Study.pdf4.Correspondence -Jane Litchfield.pdf5.Correspondence - John Fisher.pdf6.Correspondence - Patti Broughton.pdf7.Correspondence - Elizabeth Dent.pdf1.Council Appointment to Downtown Guelph Board of Management, Board of Directors - 2021-304.pdf2.Attachment 1 - By-Law Number (2021)-20633.pdf1.County of Wellington Awards the City of Guelph Affordable Housing Funding - 2021-305.pdf2.Attachment 1 City of Guelph Affordable Housing RFP Recommendations.pdf3.Correspondence - Debbie Bentley-Lauzon, Gail Hoekstra.pdf1.Council Memo - Public Petitions Policy - 2021-332.pdf1.Real Estate Assets Memo - 2021-333.pdf1.Bell Fibre Expansion Agreement - 2021-317.pdf1.By-law Number (2021)-20640.pdf1.By-law Number (2021)-20638.pdf