City Council - PlanningMeeting AgendaTuesday, September 10, 2024 at 6:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council ChambersGuelph City Hall, 1 Carden StreetChanges to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".Council Planning meetings are live streamed at Visit to submit correspondence or register to speak before Council regarding an item on this agenda. To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2330 216 5425.1.Call to Order 1.1O Canada 1.2Silent Reflection 1.3Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgement 1.4Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 2.Council Consent Agenda The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.2.1106 Carden Street: Notice of Intention to Designate, 2024-346 1.106 Carden Street - Notice of Intention to Designate - 2024-346.pdf2.Attachment-1 Property Location.pdf3.Attachment-2 Current Photos.pdf4.Attachment-3 Historical Images.pdf5.Attachment - 4 Ontario Regulation 9-06 Criteria for Cultural Heritage Value or Interest.pdfRecommendation:That the City Clerk be authorized to publish and serve notice of intention to designate 106 Carden Street pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.That the designation bylaw be brought before Council for approval if no objections are received within the thirty (30) day objection period.2.2Decision Report 303-317 Speedvale Avenue East Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments File OZS24-010, 2024-368 1.Decision Report 303-317 Speedvale Avenue East Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments File OZS24-010 Ward 2.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120 metre Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph.pdf4.Attachment-3 Recommended Official Plan Amendment No. 97.pdf5.Attachment-4 Recommended Zoning, Regulations and Conditions.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf8.Attachment-7 Existing Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf9.Attachment-8 Proposed Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf10.Attachment-9 Proposed Conceptual Site Plan.pdf11.Attachment-10 Current Renderings and Elevations.pdf12.Attachment-11 Planning Analysis.pdf13.Attachment-12 Community Energy Initiative Commitment.pdf14.Attachment-13 Departmental and Agency Comments.pdf15.Attachment-14 Public Notification Summary.pdfRecommendation:That the application from Strik Baldinelli Moniz Ltd. on behalf of the owner, Habitat for Humanity Guelph Wellington, for an Official Plan Amendment to amend the existing Low Density Residential land use designation to a High Density Residential land use designation and add a site specific policy allowing a maximum net density of up to 200 units per hectare and requiring that a minimum of 50 per cent of the residential units shall be affordable as defined in the Affordable Residential Units for the Purposes of the Development Charges Act, 1997 Bulletin, as issued by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to permit the development of a six-storey 48 unit apartment with 24 affordable units, on the lands municipally known as 303-317 Speedvale Avenue East and legally described as Pt Lot 15, Concession 2, Div F, City of Guelph, be approved in accordance with Attachment-3 of the Infrastructure, Development and Environment Report 2024-368, dated September 10, 2024.That the application from Strik Baldinelli Moniz Ltd. on behalf of the owner, Habitat for Humanity Guelph Wellington, for a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the subject lands from the current Low Density Residential 1 (RL.1) Zone and Site-specific Convenience Commercial (CC-5) Zone, to a “Site-specific High Density Residential 7” (RH.7-21) Zone with site specific regulations in the 2023 Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, as amended, to permit the development of a six-storey 48 unit apartment with 24 units that are rented or sold below the provincial thresholds for that year to be considered affordable, on the lands municipally known as 303-317 Speedvale Avenue East and legally described as Pt Lot 15, Concession 2, Div F, City of Guelph, be approved in accordance with Attachment-4 of the Infrastructure, Development and Environment Report 2024-368, dated September 10, 2024.That in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no further public notice is required related to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment 303-317 Speedvale Avenue East.3.Public Meeting to Hear Applications Under Sections 17, 34 and 51 of The Planning Act (delegations permitted a maximum of 10 minutes)3.1Public Meeting Report 26-40 Carden St and 27-39 Macdonell St Proposed OPA and ZBA File OZS24-012, 2024-370 1.Public Meeting Report 26-40 Carden St and 27-39 Macdonell St Proposed OPA and ZBA File OZS24-012 Ward 2 - 2024-370.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120 metre Circulation(1).pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(1).pdf4.Attachment-3 Downtown Secondary Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Proposed Official Plan Amendment.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf8.Attachment-7 Proposed Conceptual Site Plan and Building Renderings.pdf9.Attachment-8 Staff Presentation for Public Meeting.pdf10.Correspondence - Denis Farr.pdfPresentation:Lindsay Sulatycki, Senior Development PlannerDelegation:David Galbraith, UP ConsultingGregory Jones, Skyline Correspondence:Denis FarrRecommendation:That the Statutory Public Meeting Report regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by UP Consulting Limited, on behalf of the owner, Skyline Retail Real Estate Holdings Limited, to permit the development a 14-storey building with 120 residential units and 595 square metres of ground floor commercial space on the lands municipally known as 26-40 Carden St. and 27-39 Macdonell St., legally described as Lot 116, Registered Plan 8, City of Guelph, from Infrastructure, Development and Environment dated September 10, 2024 be received.3.2Site Specific Housekeeping Amendments to the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, 2024-354 1.Site Specific Housekeeping Amendments to the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790 - 2024-354.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map.pdf3.Attachment-2 Recommended Zoning Regulations.pdf4.Attachment-3 Staff Presentation for Public Meeting.pdfPresentation:Katie Nasswetter, Project ManagerRecommendation: That the proposed City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendments to recognize site-specific zoning or provide placeholders in the Zoning By-law (2023)-20790 for the properties at 12 Poole Street, 78-82 Eastview Road, 140 Hadati Road, 785 Gordon Street, 1242-1270 Gordon Street and 9 Valley Road, 33-41 Arkell Road and 1408 Gordon Street be received. That the City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendments to recognize site-specific zoning or provide placeholders in the Zoning By-law (2023)-20790 for the properties at 12 Poole Street, 78-82 Eastview Road, 140 Hadati Road, 785 Gordon Street, 1242-1270 Gordon Street and 9 Valley Road, and 33-41 Arkell Road and 1408 Gordon Street, be approved in accordance with Attachment 2 of the Infrastructure, Development and Environment Report 2024-354, dated September 10, 2024. 4.By-laws Resolution to adopt the By-laws. 5.Mayor’s Announcements Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.6.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.106 Carden Street - Notice of Intention to Designate - 2024-346.pdf2.Attachment-1 Property Location.pdf3.Attachment-2 Current Photos.pdf4.Attachment-3 Historical Images.pdf5.Attachment - 4 Ontario Regulation 9-06 Criteria for Cultural Heritage Value or Interest.pdf1.Decision Report 303-317 Speedvale Avenue East Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments File OZS24-010 Ward 2.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120 metre Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph.pdf4.Attachment-3 Recommended Official Plan Amendment No. 97.pdf5.Attachment-4 Recommended Zoning, Regulations and Conditions.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf8.Attachment-7 Existing Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf9.Attachment-8 Proposed Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf10.Attachment-9 Proposed Conceptual Site Plan.pdf11.Attachment-10 Current Renderings and Elevations.pdf12.Attachment-11 Planning Analysis.pdf13.Attachment-12 Community Energy Initiative Commitment.pdf14.Attachment-13 Departmental and Agency Comments.pdf15.Attachment-14 Public Notification Summary.pdf1.Public Meeting Report 26-40 Carden St and 27-39 Macdonell St Proposed OPA and ZBA File OZS24-012 Ward 2 - 2024-370.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120 metre Circulation(1).pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(1).pdf4.Attachment-3 Downtown Secondary Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Proposed Official Plan Amendment.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning, Zoning By-law (2023)-20790.pdf8.Attachment-7 Proposed Conceptual Site Plan and Building Renderings.pdf9.Attachment-8 Staff Presentation for Public Meeting.pdf10.Correspondence - Denis Farr.pdf1.Site Specific Housekeeping Amendments to the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790 - 2024-354.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map.pdf3.Attachment-2 Recommended Zoning Regulations.pdf4.Attachment-3 Staff Presentation for Public Meeting.pdf