City Council - Planning
Revised Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers
Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Changes to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*".

Council Planning meetings are live streamed at Visit to submit correspondence or register to speak before Council regarding an item on this agenda. 

To listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 2345 645 0147.

The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the City Clerk be authorized to publish and serve notice of intention to designate 408 Willow Road pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act. 
    2. That the designation bylaw be brought before Council for approval if no objections are received within the thirty (30) day objection period. 
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the City Clerk be authorized to publish and serve notice of intention to designate 100 Queen Street pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
    2. That the designation bylaw be brought before Council for approval if no objections are received within the thirty (30) day objection period.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the City Clerk be authorized to publish and serve notice of intention to designate 211 Silvercreek Parkway South pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
    2. That the designation bylaw be brought before Council for approval if no objections are received within the thirty (30) day objection period.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the City Clerk be authorized to publish and serve notice of intention to designate 167 Suffolk Street West pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
    2. That the designation by-law be brought before Council for approval if no objections are received within the thirty (30) day objection period.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the City Clerk be authorized to publish and serve notice of intention to designate 14 Neeve Street pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
    2. That the designation bylaw be brought before Council for approval if no objections are received within the thirty (30) day objection period.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That in accordance with Section 51(33) of the Planning Act, the application by GSP Group on behalf of Debrob Investments Limited/Fusion Homes for an extension to Draft Plan Approved Subdivision 23T-12501, municipally known as 55 and 75 Cityview Drive North be approved with a three (3) year lapsing date to July 12, 2027, subject to the draft plan conditions approved by City Council on June 13, 2016, and subject to changes made to the original draft plan conditions approved by City Council on June 10, 2019 to allow transition to the City’s assumption model, contained in Attachment-4 of Infrastructure, Development and Environment Report dated June 11, 2024.
    2. That in accordance with Section 51(45) of the Planning Act, administrative and technical revisions have been made to draft plan conditions originally approved by City Council on June 13, 2016 and June 10, 2019 to update standard wording and new service area names and staff titles, and update By-law numbers.
    3. That in accordance with Section 51(47) of the Planning Act, City Council has determined that no public notice is required as changes to the draft plan conditions are administrative and technical in nature and are therefore considered to be minor.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That the Mayor sign and send a letter to Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, and Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, on behalf of City Council requesting that Subsection 27(16) of the Ontario Heritage Act be amended to extend deadline for the removal of non-designated properties from the Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Properties for five years from January 1, 2025 to January 1, 2030.

Lindsay Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner

*Trevor Hawkins, Forum Asset Management

*Trevor Hawkins, Forum Asset Management

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the Statutory Public Meeting Report regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by MHBC Planning Limited, on behalf of Forum Asset Management, to permit the development of two, 7-storey residential buildings containing 489 residential suites geared to students on the vacant portion of the property municipally known as 601 Scottsdale Drive and legally described as Block K, Registered Plan 649, City of Guelph, from Infrastructure, Development and Environment dated June 11, 2024 be received.

Resolution to adopt the By-laws. 

  • Recommendation:

    That By-laws (2024 ) - 20951 and (2024) - 20953 be approved subject to Section 284.11 (4) of the Municipal Act.

A by-law to amend by-law (2019)-20425 to appoint Jayne Holmes as the Acting Chief Administrative Officer, effective as of June 22, 2024.

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Guelph City Council held June 11, 2024.

Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.

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