Committee of Adjustment
Revised Meeting Agenda

Remote meeting live streamed

Public hearing for applications under sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act.

To contain the spread of COVID-19, Committee of Adjustment hearings are being held electronically and can be live streamed at For alternate meeting formats, please contact Committee of Adjustment staff.

Public hearing for applications under sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act

  • Committee of Adjustment Minutes - October 29, 2020
  • Committee of Adjustment Minutes - November 12, 2020

Owner: 2778582 Ontario Ltd.

Agent: Jeff Buisman, Van Harten Surveying Inc.

Request: Variances for setbacks of proposed addition, attached garage, front porch and interior parking space width 

(Application order subject to change)

To be notified of any of the decisions of the City of Guelph Committee of Adjustment, you must submit a written request.

Staff Recommendation:

Approval of the following variance:

a) an existing accessory apartment size of 94.8 square metres, or 28 percent of the total floor area of the existing detached dwelling.

Refusal of the following variance:

b) the existing driveway to have a maximum width of 8.85 metres.

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