City Council - PlanningRevised Meeting AgendaMonday, January 25, 2021 at 6:30 P.m. - 11:00 P.m.Remote meeting live streamedon to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". To contain the spread of COVID-19, City Council meetings are being held electronically and can be live streamed at listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter meeting code179 796 20061.Notice of Electronic Participation 1.1City Council This meeting will be held by Electronic Participation in accordance with City of Guelph Procedural By-Law (2020)-20515.2.Open Meeting – 6:30 p.m. 2.1O Canada 2.2Silent Reflection 2.3First Nations Acknowledgement 2.4Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 3.Council Consent Agenda The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.3.1Decision Report - 1159 Victoria Rd S - Red-line Amendment to an approved Draft Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment File: 0ZS20-007 and 23T-07506 - 2021-16 1.Decision Report - 1159 Victoria Rd S - Red-line Amendment to an approved Draft Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - 2021-16.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120m Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph.pdf4.Attachment-3 Recommended Zoning Regulations and Amendments to Draft Plan Conditions.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning.pdf8.Attachment-7 Location of Proposed Additional Lots shown on the Draft Plan.pdf9.Attachment-8 Proposed Red-line to Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf10.Attachment-9 Staff Review and Planning Analysis.pdf11.Attachment-10 Departmental and Agency Comments.pdf12.Attachment-11 Public Notification Summary.pdfRecommendation:That the application from IBI Group on behalf of Victoria Park Village Inc. for a red-line amendment to approved Draft Plan of Subdivision 23T-07506 to permit an additional two (2) single detached residential lots on lands municipally known as 1159 Victoria Road South and legally described as Part of Lot 5, Concession 8 (Geographic Township of Puslinch), City of Guelph, be approved with a lapsing date of November 22, 2022 in accordance with the draft plan conditions included in Attachment 3 and the red-lined Draft Plan of Subdivision as shown in Attachment 8 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report dated January 25, 2021.That the application from IBI Group on behalf of Victoria Park Village Inc. for approval of a Zoning By-law to change the zoning from the “Conservation Land” (P.1) Zone to the R.1C-26 (Specialized Residential Single Detached) Zone to implement a red-line amendment to approved Draft Plan of Subdivision 23T-07506, be approved, in accordance with Zoning regulations included in Attachment 3 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report, dated January 25, 2021.4.Public Meeting to Hear Applications Under Sections 17, 34 and 51 of The Planning Act (delegations permitted a maximum of 10 minutes)4.1Statutory Public Meeting Report - 77 Victoria Road North Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments- File OZS20-013, 2021-13 1.Statutory Public Meeting Report - 77 Victoria Road North - File OZS20-013 - 2021-13.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120m Circulation(1).pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(1).pdf4.Attachment-3 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Proposed Official Plan Amendment.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning(1).pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning(1).pdf8.Attachment-7 Proposed Conceptual Site Plan.pdf9.Attachment-8 Proposed Building Rendering.pdf10.Attachment-9 Staff Presentation for Public Meeting.pdf11.General Correspondence - 77 Victoria Rd. North - 0ZS20-013.pdf12.Presentation - Clos - Public Meeting - 77 Victoria Road North.pdf13.Revised Agenda - General Correspondence - 77 Victoria Rd. North - 0ZS20-013.pdf14.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Carter - 77 Victoria Street - OZS20-013.pdf15.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Laranjeiro - UGDSB - 77 Victoria Rd N (OZS20-013).pdf16.Revised Agenda - Corresponence - Basso, Pusic, Dametto - 77 Victoria Street - OZS20-013.pdf17.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Binotto - 77 Victoria Road North.pdf18.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - McLennan - WCDSB - 77 Victoria Road N.pdfStaff Presentation:Lindsay Sulatycki, Senior Development Planner Delegations: *Astrid Clos, Agent for the owner, 2601265 Ontario Inc. (presentation)Mary Lou Gobbi, on behalf of Palermo Cres residents*Stephany Collins*Kim WakefordCorrespondence:Gina KingMary Lou GobbiStephany CollinsThoa TranJennifer LoomisKatrina NodvornikAdrianna PerronBarbara HarrisonPeter D. StewartEllen SorbaraJane Morrison*Andrew Harrison*Wayne Carter and Dina Carter*Adam Laranjeiro, Planning Technician, Upper Grand District School Board *Joesphine Basso and Domenico Basso*Lillian Pusic and John Pusic*Dino Dametto*Jo-Anne McDermott*Stephen MacDougall*Bobbi Jo Dal Bello*Angelo Stefanelli*Linda Dametto*Darrell Tucker and Lelia Tucker *Melissa Binotto*Tracy McLennan, Associate Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer, Wellington Catholic District School BoardRecommendation:That the Statutory Public Meeting Report regarding proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Astrid J. Clos Planning Consultants on behalf of the owner, 2601265 Ontario Inc. to permit a stacked townhouse development with 24 three-storey stacked townhouse units on the property municipally known as 77 Victoria Road North and legally described as Part of Lot 1, Concession 4, Division ‘C’ (Geographic Township of Guelph) City of Guelph, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated January 25, 2021 be received.5.Items for Discussion The following items have been extracted from the Committee of the Whole Consent Report and the Council Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. These items have been extracted either at the request of a member of Council or because they include a presentation and/or delegations.5.1Decision Report - 120 Huron Street Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments File 0ZS20-005 - 2021-09 1.120 Huron Street Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Decision - 2021-09.pdf2.Attachment 1 Location Map and Aerial Photograph.pdf3.Attachment 2 Recommended Official Plan Amendment.pdf4.Attachment 3 Recommend Zoning Regulations and Conditions.pdf5.Attachment 4 Official Plan Designation.pdf6.Attachment 5 Existing Zoning.pdf7.Attachment 6 Proposed Zoning.pdf8.Attachment 7 Proposed Site Concept Plan.pdf9.Attachment 8 Proposed Building Elevations.pdf10.Attachment 9 Planning Analysis.pdf11.Attachment 10 Community Energy Initiative Energy Modelling Summary.pdf12.Attachment 11 Departmental and Agency Comments.pdf13.Attachment 12 Public Notification Summary.pdf14.Presentation - Darmon - 120 Huron Street.pdf15.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Pagan - 120 Huron Street.pdfDelegations:*Mike Darmon, on behalf of Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation (presentation)*Yvette Tendick*Hugh Handy, GSP Group Correspondence: *Lorraine PaganRecommendation:That the application from GSP Group Inc., on behalf of the owner, Alice Block Inc., on the lands municipally known as 120 Huron Street and legally described as Parts 3 and 6 on Plan 61R-21616 and part of the lands legally described as: Plan 61R4274, except Parts 4 & 5 61R21616 City of Guelph; and being part of PIN 71341-0195 (LT), City of Guelph, for approval of an Official Plan Amendment to permit the development of a fifth storey containing an additional 30 apartment units to an existing four storey apartment building, be approved in accordance with Attachment 2 of Report 2021-09 dated January 25, 2021. That the application from GSP Group Inc., on behalf of the owner, Alice Block Inc., on the lands municipally known as 120 Huron Street and legally described as Parts 3 and 6 on Plan 61R-21616 and part of the lands legally described as: Plan 61R4274, except Parts 4 & 5 61R21616 City of Guelph; and being part of PIN 71341-0195 (LT), City of Guelph, for approval of an Zoning By-law Amendment to permit the development of a fifth storey and an additional 30 apartment units to an existing four storey, apartment building be approved in accordance with Attachment 3 of Report 2021-09 dated January 25, 2021. That in accordance with Section 34 (17) of the Planning Act, City Council as determined that no further public notice is required related to the minor modifications to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment affecting 120 Huron Street.5.2Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - 2020-143 1.Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - 2020-143.pdf2.Attachment-1 Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - October 13, 2020.pdf3.Attachment 2 - CHAP - Community Feedback on the Draft CHAP.pdf4.Attachment-3 Heritage Guelph Meeting Minutes (May 27 and September 9, 2019).pdf5.Attachment-4 Extant Farm Barns within the City of Guelph.pdf6.Attachment-5 Staff Presentation - Cultural Heritage Action Plan.pdf7.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan.pdf8.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - McDonald - Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan.pdf*referred from January 11, 2021 Committee of the WholeDelegations: *Susan WatsonCorrespondence:*Elizabeth Macrae*Mary Peirson*Heather Daymond*Lillian Links*Sandra Parmegiani*Margaret Abbink*Marvin Stemeroff and Shawna Geer*Malcolm G. Manford*Paula Manford*Virginia McDonaldRecommendation: That the Cultural Heritage Action Plan dated October 13, 2020 be approved. That a heritage conservation district study be initiated for the Ward West candidate cultural heritage landscape (CCHL-23) and that staff be directed to include a requirement for Indigenous community engagement expertise in the RFP for a public engagement consultant for the Ward West Cultural Heritage Landscape Study. That the future update of the Cultural Heritage Action Plan consider and evaluate candidate cultural heritage landscapes identified as having cultural heritage value or interest by an Indigenous community. That further heritage resources be identified for Council consideration within the 2022 budget. 5.2.1Council Memo - Cultural Heritage Action Plan: Follow up to Council Referral - 2021-15 1.Council Memo Cultural Heritage Action Plan Follow up to Council referral - 2021-15.pdf5.2.2Council Memo - Heritage Guelph Committee Motions on the Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - 2021-12 1.Council Memo - Heritage Guelph Committee Motions on the Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - 2021-12.pdf6.By-laws (Councillor Gordon)Recommendation:That by-laws number (2021)-20566 to (2021)-20569 are hereby passed.6.1By-Law Number (2021)-20566 1.By-Law Number (2021)-20566.pdfA by-law to amend the Official Plan for the City of Guelph as it affects property municipally known as 120 Huron Street and legally described as Parts 3 and 6 on Plan 61R-21616 and part of the lands legally described as: Plan 61R4274, except Parts 4 & 5 61R21616 City of Guelph; and being part of PIN 71341-0195 (LT), City of Guelph (OZS20-005).6.2By-Law Number (2021)-20567 1.By-Law Number (2021)-20567.pdfA by-law to amend By-law Number (1995)-14864, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law for the City of Guelph as it affects the property municipally known as 120 Huron Street and legally described as Parts 3 and 6 on Plan 61R-21616 and part of the lands legally described as: Plan 61R4274, except Parts 4 & 5 61R21616 City of Guelph; and being part of PIN 71341-0195 (LT), City of Guelph (File# OSZ20-005).6.3By-Law Number (2021)-20568 1.By-law (2021)-20568.pdfA by-law to amend By-law Number (1995)-14864, as amended, known as the Zoning By-law for the City of Guelph as it affects lands municipally known as 1159 Victoria Road South and legally described as Part of Lot 5, Concession 8 (Geographic Township of Puslinch), City of Guelph (File# OSZ20-007).6.4By-Law Number (2021)-20569 1.By-Law Number (2021)-20569.pdfA by-law to confirm proceedings of a meeting of Guelph City Council held January 25, 2021.7.Mayor’s Announcements Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.8.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.120 Huron Street Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Decision - 2021-09.pdf2.Attachment 1 Location Map and Aerial Photograph.pdf3.Attachment 2 Recommended Official Plan Amendment.pdf4.Attachment 3 Recommend Zoning Regulations and Conditions.pdf5.Attachment 4 Official Plan Designation.pdf6.Attachment 5 Existing Zoning.pdf7.Attachment 6 Proposed Zoning.pdf8.Attachment 7 Proposed Site Concept Plan.pdf9.Attachment 8 Proposed Building Elevations.pdf10.Attachment 9 Planning Analysis.pdf11.Attachment 10 Community Energy Initiative Energy Modelling Summary.pdf12.Attachment 11 Departmental and Agency Comments.pdf13.Attachment 12 Public Notification Summary.pdf14.Presentation - Darmon - 120 Huron Street.pdf15.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Pagan - 120 Huron Street.pdf1.Decision Report - 1159 Victoria Rd S - Red-line Amendment to an approved Draft Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - 2021-16.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120m Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph.pdf4.Attachment-3 Recommended Zoning Regulations and Amendments to Draft Plan Conditions.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning.pdf8.Attachment-7 Location of Proposed Additional Lots shown on the Draft Plan.pdf9.Attachment-8 Proposed Red-line to Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf10.Attachment-9 Staff Review and Planning Analysis.pdf11.Attachment-10 Departmental and Agency Comments.pdf12.Attachment-11 Public Notification Summary.pdf1.Statutory Public Meeting Report - 77 Victoria Road North - File OZS20-013 - 2021-13.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120m Circulation(1).pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(1).pdf4.Attachment-3 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designations and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Proposed Official Plan Amendment.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning(1).pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning(1).pdf8.Attachment-7 Proposed Conceptual Site Plan.pdf9.Attachment-8 Proposed Building Rendering.pdf10.Attachment-9 Staff Presentation for Public Meeting.pdf11.General Correspondence - 77 Victoria Rd. North - 0ZS20-013.pdf12.Presentation - Clos - Public Meeting - 77 Victoria Road North.pdf13.Revised Agenda - General Correspondence - 77 Victoria Rd. North - 0ZS20-013.pdf14.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Carter - 77 Victoria Street - OZS20-013.pdf15.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Laranjeiro - UGDSB - 77 Victoria Rd N (OZS20-013).pdf16.Revised Agenda - Corresponence - Basso, Pusic, Dametto - 77 Victoria Street - OZS20-013.pdf17.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Binotto - 77 Victoria Road North.pdf18.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - McLennan - WCDSB - 77 Victoria Road N.pdf1.Council Memo - Heritage Guelph Committee Motions on the Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - 2021-12.pdf1.Council Memo Cultural Heritage Action Plan Follow up to Council referral - 2021-15.pdf1.Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - 2020-143.pdf2.Attachment-1 Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan - October 13, 2020.pdf3.Attachment 2 - CHAP - Community Feedback on the Draft CHAP.pdf4.Attachment-3 Heritage Guelph Meeting Minutes (May 27 and September 9, 2019).pdf5.Attachment-4 Extant Farm Barns within the City of Guelph.pdf6.Attachment-5 Staff Presentation - Cultural Heritage Action Plan.pdf7.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan.pdf8.Revised Agenda - Correspondence - McDonald - Recommended Cultural Heritage Action Plan.pdf1.By-Law Number (2021)-20567.pdf1.By-Law Number (2021)-20566.pdf1.By-Law Number (2021)-20569.pdf1.By-law (2021)-20568.pdf