City Council - PlanningRevised Meeting AgendaMonday, September 13, 2021 at 5:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Remote meeting live streamed on to the original agenda are noted with an asterisk "*". To contain the spread of COVID-19, City Council meetings are being held electronically and can be live streamed at listen to the meeting over the phone, call 1-416-216-5643 and enter access code 179 106 7966.1.Notice of Electronic Participation 1.1City Council This meeting will be held by Electronic Participation in accordance with City of Guelph Procedural By-Law (2021)-20590.2.Call to Order 3.Authority to move into closed meeting Recommendation:That the Council of the City of Guelph now hold a meeting that is closed to the public, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to consider:3.1Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof (closed items) Public Comments: 3.2Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Guelph and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1189, 2021-276 Public Comments: Section 239 (2)(d), of the Municipal Act relating to labour relations or employee negotiations.3.3Planning Act Conformity - Legal Update, 2021-258 Public Comments: Section 239 (2)(e) and (f) of the Municipal Act relating to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, and affecting the municipality or local board and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.4.Open Meeting – 6:30 p.m. 4.1Closed Meeting Summary 4.2O Canada 4.3Silent Reflection 4.4First Nations Acknowledgement 4.5Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 5.Council Consent Agenda The following resolutions have been prepared to facilitate Council’s consideration of various matters and are suggested for consideration. If Council wishes to address a specific report in isolation of the Consent Agenda, please identify the item. It will be extracted and dealt with separately as part of the Items for Discussion.5.1Decision Report 29-31 Fountain Street Zoning Bylaw Amendment File OZS21-005 - 2021-256 1.Decision Report 29-31 Fountain Street Zoning Bylaw Amendment File OZS21-005 - 2021-256.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location and 120m Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph.pdf4.Attachment-3 Recommended Zoning Regulations and Conditions.pdf5.Attachment-4 Official Plan Designation and Policies.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning.pdf8.Attachment-7 Conceptual Plan.pdf9.Attachment-8 Existing Building Photos.pdf10.Attachment-9 Staff Review and Planning Analysis.pdf11.Attachment-10 Departmental and Agency Comment Summary.pdf12.Attachment-11 Public Notification Summary.pdf13.Correspondence - Jason Clattenburg.pdfCorrespondence:*Jason Clattenburg Recommendation:That the application submitted by Van Harten Surveying Inc. on behalf of 2782552 Ontario Ltd. c/o Thomas MacKillop to amend the Zoning By-law from the current “Residential Single Detached” (R.1B) Zone to the “Residential Semi-Detached/Duplex” (R.2) Zone to recognize the existing semi-detached dwelling on lands municipally known as 29-31 Fountain Street, and legally described as All of Lot 175 and Part of Lot 174, Registered Plan 8, City of Guelph, be approved in accordance with Attachment-6 of the Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Report 2021-256, dated September 13, 2021.5.2Technical Amendment to Bylaw (2019)-20366 to Address Pre-1989 Conveyances, 2021-269 1.Technical Amendment to Bylaw (2019)-20366 to Address Pre-1989 Conveyances - 2021-269.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Draft Amending By-law (2021)-20624.pdfRecommendation:That the technical amendment to By-law Number (2019)-20366 to address pre-1989 conveyances, as described in report 2021-269, dated September 13, 2021, to ensure conformity with the Planning Act, be approved.6.Public Meeting to Hear Applications Under Sections 17, 34 and 51 of The Planning Act (delegations permitted a maximum of 10 minutes)6.1Public Meeting 710 Woolwich Street Zoning By-law Amendment OZS21-010 - 2021-234 1.Public Meeting 710 Woolwich Street Zoning By-law Amendment OZS21-010 - 2021-234.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(1).pdf4.Attachment-3 Official Plan Designation.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Zoning.pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Zoning.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Site Plan and Building Concepts.pdf8.Attachment-7 710 Woolwich St Public Meeting Presentation.pdf9.Correspondence - Adam Laranjeiro.pdf10.Correspondence - Dave Galbraith.pdfStaff Presentation:Katie Nasswetter, Senior Development Planner Delegations:*Dave Galbraith, Associate Manager, Planning, IBI Group Correspondence: *Adam Laranjeiro, Planning Technician, Upper Grand District School Board*Dave Galbraith, Associate Manager, Planning, IBI GroupRecommendation:That report 2021-234 regarding a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application (File OZS21-010) by IBI Group on behalf of the owner, 2776563 Ontario Inc., to permit a mixed use development containing commercial lands and 96 stacked townhouses on the lands municipally known as 710 Woolwich Street, from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated September 13, 2021, be received.6.2Statutory Public Meeting Report - 103-105 Victoria Road North Zoning By-law Amendment (OZS21-008) - 2021-245 1.Statutory Public Meeting Report - 103-105 Victoria Road North Zoning By-law Amendment (OZS21-008) - 2021-245.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120m Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(2).pdf4.Attachment-3 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designation Map and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Zoning(1).pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Zoning and Details.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Site Plan.pdf8.Attachment-7 Townhouse Building Rendering.pdf9.Attachment-8 Staff Presentation.pdf10.Correspondence - Dave Aston.pdf11.Collins - Correspondence.pdf12.Dougherty - Correspondence.pdf13.Correspondence - Blanche McEwan.pdfStaff Presentation:Michael Witmer, Senior Development Planner Delegation:*Dave Aston, Vice President, Partner, MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Landscape ArchitectureMary Gobbi*Brian Rose, Board Member, Wellington Condominium Corporation No. 60 *Albert Pyper Correspondence:*Dave Aston, Vice President, Partner, MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Landscape ArchitectureStephany Collins, Carl Embro and Patricia BalcovyMichael DoughertyBlanche McEwanRecommendation:That report 2021-245 regarding proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application (File OZS21-008) by MHBC Planning Limited, on behalf of the owners, Gemini Homes and Alex Maziarz, to permit a 44 unit cluster townhouse development as well as 3 single detached dwellings on the lands municipally known as 103-105 Victoria Road North and legally described as Part of Lot 1, Concession 4, Division ‘C’, City of Guelph from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated September 13, 2021, be received.6.3Statutory Public Meeting Report 151 Bristol Street Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment File OZS21-011 - 2021-257 1.Statutory Public Meeting Report 151 Bristol Street Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment File OZS21-011 - 2021-257.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location and 120m Circulation(1).pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photo.pdf4.Attachment-3 Existing Official Plan Designation and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Zoning(2).pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Zoning(1).pdf7.Attachment-6 Conceptual Plan.pdf8.Attachment-7 Staff Presentation.pdf9.Allen - Correspondence.pdf10.Correspondence - Adam Laranjeiro.pdf11.Correspondence - Terry Scroggie.pdf12.Correspondence - Shuna and John Ilika.pdf13.Correspondence - Frank and Ellen Renda.pdf14.Correspondence - Carolin Bot.pdf15.Correspondence - Cheryl Jackson.pdf16.Correspondence - Stephen Moss.pdf17.Correspondence - David and Joan Hopkins.pdf18.Correspondence - Russell Kilbourn and Sandra Parmegiani.pdf19.Correspondence - David Hopkins.pdf20.Correspondence - Susan Watts.pdf21.Correspondence - Bianca Iannitelli and Kris Lentsch.pdf22.Correspondence - Christopher and Nicole Boucek.pdf23.Correspondence - Glen Prince.pdfStaff Presentation:Ryan Mallory, Planner II Development and Urban Design Delegations:Jeff Buisman, Van Harten SurveyingJohn Cox, JL Cox Planning ConsultantsZachary Fischer, Mezcon ConstructionKatrina BellBianca IannitelliKris Lentsch*Martin Ford*Terry Scroggie*David Hopkins*Carolin Bot*Russell Kilbourn Correspondence:Barbara Allen*Adam Laranjeiro, Planning Technician, Upper Grand District School Board*Terry Scroggie*Shuna and John Ilika*Frank and Ellen Renda*Carolin Bot*Cheryl Jackson*Stephen Moss*David and Joan Hopkins *Russell Kilbourn and Sandra Parmegiani*David Hopkins*Susan Watts*Bianca Iannitelli and Kris Lentsch*Christopher and Nicole Boucek*Glen PrinceRecommendation:That Report 2021-257 regarding proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Van Harten Surveying Inc. on behalf of Madalikat Developments Ltd. to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands municipally known as 151 Bristol Street, and legally described as Lots 35 & 36, Plan 42, City of Guelph from Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise dated September 13, 2021, be received.7.By-laws Resolution to adopt the By-laws. (Councillor O'Rourke)Recommendation:That by-law numbers (2021) - 20623 to (2021) - 20625 and (2021) - 20627, are hereby passed. 7.1Bylaw Number (2021) - 20623 1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20623.pdfBeing a By-law to amend Bylaw Number (2002) – 17017 – Traffic By-law.7.2Bylaw Number (2021) - 20624 1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20624.pdfA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Guelph amending the Parkland Dedication By-Law Number (2019)–20366 with respect to conveyances of land and payments-in-lieu of conveyances of land made prior to November 7, 1989.7.3Bylaw Number (2021) - 20625 1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20625.pdfA by-law to confirm proceedings of a meeting of Guelph City Council held September 13, 2021.7.4Bylaw Number (2021) - 20627 1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20627.pdfA By-law of The Corporation of the City of Guelph to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into an Annexation Agreement between the Corporations of the City of Guelph, the Township of Guelph/Eramosa, and the County of Wellington.8.Mayor’s Announcements Please provide any announcements, to the Mayor in writing, by 12 noon on the day of the Council meeting.9.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Decision Report 29-31 Fountain Street Zoning Bylaw Amendment File OZS21-005 - 2021-256.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location and 120m Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph.pdf4.Attachment-3 Recommended Zoning Regulations and Conditions.pdf5.Attachment-4 Official Plan Designation and Policies.pdf6.Attachment-5 Existing Zoning.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Zoning.pdf8.Attachment-7 Conceptual Plan.pdf9.Attachment-8 Existing Building Photos.pdf10.Attachment-9 Staff Review and Planning Analysis.pdf11.Attachment-10 Departmental and Agency Comment Summary.pdf12.Attachment-11 Public Notification Summary.pdf13.Correspondence - Jason Clattenburg.pdf1.Public Meeting 710 Woolwich Street Zoning By-law Amendment OZS21-010 - 2021-234.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(1).pdf4.Attachment-3 Official Plan Designation.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Zoning.pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Zoning.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Site Plan and Building Concepts.pdf8.Attachment-7 710 Woolwich St Public Meeting Presentation.pdf9.Correspondence - Adam Laranjeiro.pdf10.Correspondence - Dave Galbraith.pdf1.Statutory Public Meeting Report - 103-105 Victoria Road North Zoning By-law Amendment (OZS21-008) - 2021-245.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location Map and 120m Circulation.pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photograph(2).pdf4.Attachment-3 Existing Official Plan Land Use Designation Map and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Zoning(1).pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Zoning and Details.pdf7.Attachment-6 Proposed Site Plan.pdf8.Attachment-7 Townhouse Building Rendering.pdf9.Attachment-8 Staff Presentation.pdf10.Correspondence - Dave Aston.pdf11.Collins - Correspondence.pdf12.Dougherty - Correspondence.pdf13.Correspondence - Blanche McEwan.pdf1.Statutory Public Meeting Report 151 Bristol Street Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment File OZS21-011 - 2021-257.pdf2.Attachment-1 Location and 120m Circulation(1).pdf3.Attachment-2 Aerial Photo.pdf4.Attachment-3 Existing Official Plan Designation and Policies.pdf5.Attachment-4 Existing Zoning(2).pdf6.Attachment-5 Proposed Zoning(1).pdf7.Attachment-6 Conceptual Plan.pdf8.Attachment-7 Staff Presentation.pdf9.Allen - Correspondence.pdf10.Correspondence - Adam Laranjeiro.pdf11.Correspondence - Terry Scroggie.pdf12.Correspondence - Shuna and John Ilika.pdf13.Correspondence - Frank and Ellen Renda.pdf14.Correspondence - Carolin Bot.pdf15.Correspondence - Cheryl Jackson.pdf16.Correspondence - Stephen Moss.pdf17.Correspondence - David and Joan Hopkins.pdf18.Correspondence - Russell Kilbourn and Sandra Parmegiani.pdf19.Correspondence - David Hopkins.pdf20.Correspondence - Susan Watts.pdf21.Correspondence - Bianca Iannitelli and Kris Lentsch.pdf22.Correspondence - Christopher and Nicole Boucek.pdf23.Correspondence - Glen Prince.pdf1.Technical Amendment to Bylaw (2019)-20366 to Address Pre-1989 Conveyances - 2021-269.pdf2.Attachment 1 - Draft Amending By-law (2021)-20624.pdf1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20627.pdf1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20625.pdf1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20623.pdf1.Bylaw Number (2021) - 20624.pdf